Marketing Online Marketing

Posted by: | November 7, 2010 | Leave a Comment

In Michael Fleischner’s marketing blog,The Marketing Blog, he gives easy tips for businesses to develop an online presence.

His main steps are to get a website, register the business and website on online directories, get the business on online maps, such as Google maps, and create spaces on the most popular forms of social media. I just want to emphasize on how critical these steps really are to have a successful business these days, especially since all of these steps except for creating a website are free.

Websites are almost a representation of the experience a consumer will have when associating with a business. An outdated, inaccessible or nonexistent website will give a negative impression to consumers, and make it more difficult for consumers to assess whether the business will meet their needs. Aside from being informative, a good website allows it’s viewers the opportunity to appraise products or services, and also can be used to market the business to the appropriate market segments by having the respective layout and presentation.

Being searchable means being found by consumers who are searching for alternatives to meet their needs. Nowadays, many people who needs a product or service will look for information online, and without being listed in the appropriate directories, many potential customers are lost. It’s free promotion, and it increases brand awareness.

Similarly, maps are very important. I myself use Google Maps frequently to locate destinations and plan routes. If a business cannot be found on a map, the “price” of the products/services offered by the business instantly increases in proportion to the added hassle required to find the business. Being convenient and easily accessible are incredibly important especially for businesses with lots of substitutes and competition.

Social media is a free, yet incredibly effective method for promotion. The only cost is the time associated with creating the proper spaces. Like websites, they can give consumers an idea of the values and associations a business has, and get a glimpse of the experience they can expect. Having proper representation on Facebook, for example, can easily and possibly virally increase brand awareness.

Businesses can’t expect business unless they can get their name out, and nowadays, getting a name out is easy. The problem is that it’s easy for everyone else as well, and if a business can’t keep up, they can’t compete.


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