Something Really Cool

Posted by: | September 22, 2010 | Leave a Comment

One of the most memorable and coolest commercials I’ve happen to come by:

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I think I first saw it over 5 years ago, and I still remembered it and found it today.

Why I think it’s great:

  1. It keeps me interested. I want to see what happens. It’s a two minute commercial I wouldn’t mind watching several times.
  2. It doesn’t require words to be memorable. All action ending with a relevant line.
  3. It’s just really cool. All of the things going on actually happen legitimately. They had to redo it 606 times until it was perfect.
  4. It does it’s job simply; People will remember Honda after viewing without anything flashy going on. And they didn’t have to use sex.
  5. It was a real investment. The commercial looks like it took a long time to plan, put together and execute. It cost $6 million. It makes me feel like Honda invested in me! But I know they only want my money..   🙁

Although I’m not sure if the commercial was worth it, the premise was smart. For a 2 minute commercial, it would be expensive to air over long periods, however it was advertised online for free (such as on youtube) by viewers, and spread due to it’s coolness. And now I’m spreading it too!

If you want to read more about it:

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