Task #7 – Mode Bending

The task for this week was to engage in mode bending by redesigning the task  from Week 1 titled“What’s In My Bag” using the principles of the New London Group (1996).

My original assignment was linguistic design and is now being shifted towards an audio design. I wanted to transform the context of my original work by reframing it as a podcast. In this newly redesigned literacy space, I can communicate the same information to the audience using audio design while exploring the topic from a different perspective, now as the subject of the piece being interviewed as opposed to just writing a description of my bag contents.

You can hear the podcast using the audio player below:


You can also access my podcast episode by going to my Anchor.fm podcast page. The episode is on the bottom of the page. Feel free to leave a comment if you wish using the “message” button at the top of the page.

3 thoughts on “Task #7 – Mode Bending

  1. Sadly, I had to have an account to listen to or respond to your work, and I refuse to be bullied this way. I wish I could have heard your piece; I love your handbag!

    • Sorry that you had trouble accessing the podcast initially. I updated the page so now you can hear the audio directly on my post, no need to sign up for anything!

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