Linking Assignment 1 (Allison Rankin)

Week 1: What Is In My Bag?

Allison’s Blog Post –

My Blog Post – 

For this linking post, I decided to look at Allison’s Week 1 Task. The first element on her page that caught my eye was the photo of her bag. I think that here decision to place it on the top of the page was effective, for it allowed the visual communication to have an impact on the reader before seeing the text below. I noticed that we actually carry a similar style of bag, an over-the shoulder “laptop bag” style soft briefcase, although mine is brown leather and hers appears to be a black material. We also both use the depicted bags for work as teachers, which is another commonality we share. 

Another interesting thing that I noticed was the sparse nature of the bags contents. I am quite minimal when it comes to my daily load in my bag, and she seems to have a similar approach. We also share an enthusiasm for electronic writing. She remarks in her blog that she prefers taking notes on a laptop and keeping an electronic agenda, which is very similar to my feelings on that subject. However, the amount of pens that she seems to enjoy carrying around is a far cry from the single pen and pencil that I consistently keep in my own bag. 

When going through her webpage, I was impressed by the simplicity of its setup. The main blog post area is in a font that is big enough to read legibly, but not so big that it is distracting. I also liked the sidebar navigation setting, and the manner in which she created groupings for different types of posts, which made it easy to find what you are looking for. In hindsight, I would have wanted to setup my site in a similar fashion, because I feel her site navigation provides a better user experience than my own. 

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