Linking Assignment 2 (Janice Roper)

Week 4: Manual Scripts

Janice’s Blog Post –

My Blog Post –

The linking post that I explored today was written by Janice Roper for Task #4. This was the task where we could choose between potato printing and manual script writing. Initially, I felt an immediately strong connection to Janice’s blog post simply because we had both decided to do the writing option instead of the potato printing. Most of the class did potato printing for this assignment, so I already felt a bit special because only a small group of us that did the manual script. 

The elements that impacted me the most was less about the content of the script, and more about the way she articulated her feelings about the assignment. She remarked on her post that she found the editing process when writing manually to be a significant challenge. She preferred to write electronically  because it would allow here to edit and adjust as she wrote, and this echoes my feelings as well. I am so used to typing at this point, it was difficult to go back to writing by hand after having the advantages of typing for so long. I also found that we both felt that writing by hand lent itself to a level of thoughtfulness that one would not experience as readily when writing on a computer. There is a certain amount of forethought and planning that goes along with handwriting because it is not easy to change direction in your thought process once you start getting words down on the page. 

When exploring the structure of her page, I felt that the style that she chose is not one that I can see myself using. Her front page is setup in a continuous scroll mode, starting with the most recent post and going backwards to the first one.  Although clicking on a title takes you to that specific post, one still has to scroll through all of it to find the specific post that you want. I think this setup would work better if all the postings were short, or just visuals, just so that getting to the first post doesn’t take so long. I think that a sidebar with links would have made her site easier to navigate, or at least short previews like my site. 

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