Linking Assignment 3 (Kelvin Nicholls)

Week 5: Twine Task

Kelvin’s Post –

My Post –

After reading through Kelvin’s Twine story, i just knew that this task was going to link very well with mine. The element that I found the most interesting is the style of both of our stories. Although the settings and characters are very different, they are both written in a style most closely associated with the mystery genre. In his story, the main character wakes up in a place that is unfamiliar to them, a place that they don’t recognize. The character also has no recollection as to how they arrived at that place. I have always had an affinity for these types of mysterious openings to stories, so I found it almost amusing that we both independently happened to have a similar idea for the main character. 

One thing I really enjoyed about his post was the details in the structure of the story. He really did a good job of writing in an expressive way that drew the reader into the story, and made me want to try the game a few times. My creative writing skills are nowhere near that level unfortunately, so my story does not quite have that same level of imagination. However, one common element in the structure of both stories was that both had a good amount of options for each story page that brought the reader down multiple story paths.

His webpage is structured in a really interesting way, in that it contains 2 approaches to how text is displayed and formatted. The left side of the page has a sidebar with links to every post and broken down into categories, while the middle section of the page contains each post in order, from the most recent to earliest. That section is also structured in a continuous scroll mode, which is not a format that i generally like to see due the the annoyances of scrolling through to find things, but since it is supported by an organized sidebar, the overall structure works well.

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