Linking Assignment 4 (Shawn Lau)

Week 6: An Emoji Story

Shawn’s Blog Post –

My Blog Post –

The emoji task was a really fun exercise that I really enjoyed doing. After reading Shawn’s emoji story post, I saw a connection in the way that we both approached the assignment. One small but interesting connection was the title of the movie and the way that we use emoji to represent it. Both movie titles contained common words that had emoji images that were clear and easy to understand (“Lion King” and “Moneyball”). Shawn remarked that he started with title, as I did, because the symbols were easy to find for those words. I was able to guess the title right away, although it helped a bit that I had seen the movie before. This is a similar comment to the ones that  others made on my story.

Shawn tried to use the symbols to represent whole words instead of creating the words phonetically, which is similar to the manner in which I approached it. One of the big differences between our stories is that while I was able to continue representing whole words with emojis, he had to get creative at times by combining a letter with a symbol to sound out a word, although he didn’t do that very often. As he discussed the process of creating this assignment, he did make the point that it was both fascinating and frustrating, which echoes my feelings about the exercise as well.

In terms of his webpage design, I found it interesting that we in fact have the exact same design. We both used the default theme setting for our blogs, with no modifications or personal touches. Perhaps we both have similar feelings on the “no-frills” approach to site construction and text display, in that we both prize the immediacy of textual literacy and having visitors see a preview of the post before clicking on it. It also seems that visual literacy is not something that we deem that important for our sites, since that both pages are devoid of images or colorful accents.


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