Linking Assignment 5 (Aaron Ko)

Week 7: Mode Bending

Aaron’s Blog Post –

My Blog Post –

I think that the Mode Bending task was the one that I spent the most time thinking about and agonizing over how to structure it in this course. Eventually I settled on doing an audio presentation, which led me to choose Aaron’s post as a linking item. His was not the only audio presentation among my classmates for this activity, but it was the one that I found the most interesting. On first glance, the common link between my post and his may seem just to be that we both chose audio as our presentation format. However, my deeper reason for choosing his post is that his presentation is what I truly WANTED mine to be.

Aaron created a very compelling and interesting audio task by using sound effects to represent the items in his bag. The sounds were clear and quite descriptive in the way that they were played, and I found that the sounds painted a vivid picture that allowed my imagination to fill in the gaps. When I shad at down to plan my task, my original idea was to create a sound collage in a similar fashion, but I didn’t feel like what I was creating was clear enough for the viewer to understand. Thus, I switched gears and created a fake podcast segment instead where i “interviewed” a fictional version of my self talking about what was in the bag. In some way, hearing Aaron’s work made me wish that I had persevered and tackled the mode bending project in a similar way to his.

Aaron’s webpage was designed in an interesting way. His homepage, unlike many other classmates, did not have the posts in a continuous scroll nor as preview posts, but instead kept all of the content on links in the sidebar. I think that “hiding” the text from the posts in this way gives the user a sense of anticipation of what is to come, since they cannot see any of the content without clicking on another link. I also think that having his Twine story permanently linked on the right side gives the page a sort of symmetry that feels organized and well-structured.

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