Re: The Big Flaw in Corporate Sustainability Rankings

I think Aaron Chatterji and Michael Toffel make an important point. Since the sustainability movement gained momentum in the early 1990s, little real progress combatting climate change has been made. For example, the Kyoto Protocol has largely failed to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide emissions, largely because governments have not held businesses to the targets. The world’s largest economies, the U.S. and China, never adhered to it and Canada has decided to renounce her protocol targets entirely while others will not renew targets.

Corporate lobbying plays a huge role in government policy, which I think most people forget because it is not widely publicized. Perhaps this helps explain why we see corporate sustainability initiatives but no environmental taxes or economic adjustments. After all, oil companies often promote sustainability initiatives while opposing policy changes. In class, Mr. Tansey said the UNEP defines sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”, and lobbying against environmental policy could certainly comprise future generations.

In conclusion, I agree corporate sustainability rankings need to better account for corporate political activity, otherwise they inaccurately display the big picture and become moot.

In response to: Harvard Business Review (HBR) Blog Network: The Big Flaw in Corporate Sustainability Rankings



Kreighbaum, Andrew. “Fueling Washington.” Photo. 23 Aug. 2010. 18 Nov. 2012


Why Fracking Matters A Lot


Something many thought impossible is coming true. Due to the development of hydraulic fracturing, a controversial oil and gas extraction technique nicknamed “fracking”, America should become energy self sufficient by 2035.

The new technique involves drilling horizontally into shale rock, pumping in a mixture of water, sand, and chemicals, and then sucking out the oil. This technique opens up vast reserves of previously inaccessible oil and gas and will have massive repercussions to the global economy. Asia, especially China, is set to become the largest Middle Eastern oil consumer and Canada will be forced to look for new buyers. However, fracking is still controversial. Many fear the possibly devastating impact of ground water contamination by toxic fracking fluids, which could affect water supplies, farmer’s crops and livestock, and even cause dangerous methane geysers.

In my opinion this is a negative development. It is clear continued fossil fuel use has big consequences, and this decreases incentive to substitute away. I think this is corporately irresponsible and unethical because the negative social and environmental impacts outweigh economic gains, especially in the long run. If oil companies will overlook property rights to profit, their motives are not in the interests of all stakeholders.



Pretorious, Albert. “Hydraulic Fracturing Diagram.” Drawing. 07 Sep. 2012. 13 Nov. 2012


Re: What I hope for: The Workplace

I agree with Dr. Simmerman’s point engagement in the workplace is key to success. I find it increasingly ironic certain employers neglect their employees despite research frequently showing engaged employees allow for more flexible, competitive organizations.

Three of the most innovative organizations, Google, Toyota, and 3M, all share one quality: employee engagement. All of these companies work to build employee trust because trust fosters productivity and creativity. Engaged employees add intellectual capital and labour to company’s bottom lines, and in the long run, greater profit. However, part of engaging employees is proper performance management and incentivizing, so it is important to remember not all employees desire money. A few of the perks Google employees, some of the happiest in the world, receive are free haircuts and on-site doctors.

In addition, I find Dr. Simmerman’s “square wheels” analogy interesting and believe it accurately illustrates the problems poor management and an unengaged workforce can cause. I also hold the view that respect and community carry into all parts of work and life. The tight-knit culture at Zappos is a good example. In conclusion, I find Dr. Simmerman’s take on improving the workplace useful because it is simple, refreshing, and easily backed up.

In response to: Dr. Scott Simmerman: What I hope for: The Workplace



Maggie. “People Circle.” Drawing. ChiefLearningOfficer-Middle 29 Aug. 2012. 13 Nov. 2012


Re: UrtheCast: Re-Defining Globalization

I agree the sense of “Global Community” is about to change significantly with UrtheCast; however, time will tell whether for better or worse.

The amount of accessible information has grown dramatically over the past 15 years, and society is still adapting. Privacy issues loom large as data hoarders Google and Facebook face increasing backlash, and it is just a matter of time before legislation catches up. Google has been in trouble for mapping military bases before, and no doubt an in-depth live stream will face similar issues. This begs the question, why does the public need access to sensitive information? If you and I can access it so easily, cannot terrorists and bad men as well? How can we prevent data from being sold into the wrong hands? Nonetheless, some data will be extremely useful for educational purposes. Also, globalization has turned out to be very beneficial so far.

Why does all this matter? Like most tech startups, significant risks are inherent in UrtheCast’s business model, and in my opinion UrtheCast should be wary of society’s increasing privacy concerns because it is a big threat to their business. As you say, UrtheCast’s success will be a great point of interest.

In response to: Fergus Arnold: UrtheCast: Re-Defining Globalization



Conte, Vinnie. “Information Globe.” Drawing. 17 Jan. 2010. 12 Nov. 2012


Supply Chains and the London 2012 Olympics

Running a business’s supply chain is a tough task; however, running a supply chain during one of the world’s largest events, the Olympics, is even bigger. The general verdict is the London 2012 logistics plan was a success.

How did companies cope with increased congestion and irregular route closures? Retailers used 4 main strategies to overcome these barriers: Re-route, Re-time, Reduce, and Revise. Re-routing involved avoiding heavily congested areas by using alternate depots and routes. Re-timing meant increasing after hours and nighttime deliveries. Reducing involved using fewer shipments, mainly through multiple retailers sharing shipments. Finally, revising meant using alternate forms of transit, such as river, foot, and bicycle, to access difficult areas.

In my opinion, the Olympics reinforces the same supply chain lessons learned from Dell and Zara. Flexibility is paramount to successful supply chains because it avoids depending on error prone demand forecasts; keeping open, responsive communication and information channels allows retailers to cope with dynamic situations, which Zara exemplifies. Furthermore, virtually integrated networks, widely used by Dell, and co-operation between companies allows for fewer shipments and increased efficiency. In conclusion, supply chain flexibility and open information flow is key to success, which Zara, Dell, and the Olympics illustrate.




Vogelaar, Rob. “Olympic Rings.” Logo. 2 Jul. 2012. 9 Nov. 2012


Re: Microsoft redesigning its future

I agree it will be interesting to see how people react to a large change in Microsoft’s core product considering the strong competition in the personal and tablet computer markets. However, I think it will be even more interesting given the coming changes to Microsoft Office, a product line Microsoft makes roughly half its profits on. One has to wonder how such a big departure from the classic Windows menu is going to affect businesses accustomed to this layout and their satisfaction with the office suite that goes hand in hand.

What’s even more interesting though is that Microsoft is essentially redesigning the way it makes money on the Office line of products by separating them from the Windows operating system. Office 2013 will allow 365 day renting as an alternative to purchasing, complete with 20GB storage on SkyDrive. One user account will allow installation on 5 physical devices.

This is probably a smart strategy because with so many Macintosh users, quite a few using office, it allows Microsoft to keep a stranglehold on business products even if Windows is ailing. Also, this direct model worked well for Apple’s Itunes. In conclusion, Microsoft is redesigning its future in multiple ways.

In response to: Jonathan Bickford: Microsoft redesigning its future



Gallagher, Sean. “Office 2013 Menu.” Screenshot. 16 Jul. 2012. 4 Nov. 2012
