Author Archives: brianna diogo

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit 3 focused on our formal report, both the drafting and writing, and revisiting the peer review process. 

The research process was slow but enjoyable. Researching is not particularly my favourite part of writing, nor the part that comes easiest to me, but it was interesting to write about something that I had already been a part of, something that I was passionate about.

Writing the draft was interesting, because I mostly write creatively and this required me to be meticulous and fact-based in areas that I would normally rely on creativity to express my thoughts. When I did a peer review, I made sure to take extra care, knowing that not only did the entire process affect and benefit my peer, but it also allowed me to call my own writing into question throughout the process and think about things that I would need to adjust later in my writing process. 


Unit Two Reflection Blog

One of the primary assignments for this unit was to prepare a memo with the best practices for LinkedIn. This assignment was incredibly interesting for me due the fact that one of my biggest passions is social media, however LinkedIn is one that I have been afraid of and have strayed away from. This research was definitely helpful in making myself more comfortable with the network and giving me guidance with how to move forward on what seems like a very beneficial social network for professionals.
The next assignment was the report proposal, and this was also an interesting assignment for me because I have never written a report proposal before. This specific report covers a topic that I have spoken to a lot of people about in the last few years and it was interesting to look at it from a much more technical angle. This has been a really interesting and almost frustrating experience for me. The type of writing that I am most comfortable with is much more free-form and creative, so this detailed structure has been difficult. 

The peer review process has also been difficult for me, due to the fact that I have written the same way for so long, it is so difficult for me to remember to make those adjustments. I am aware that this is an issue that would heavily benefit me to move forward from, but it is something that I have a really hard time with and am working towards more as the semester goes on and am trying to be as mindful of as possible.


Reflection Unit One

Completing the definition assignment the first time was a very different experience to a majority of the other assignments that I have ever completed in my post-secondary education. Being an English Literature major, most of the writing that I have completed has been subjective, backed by quotes from fictional pieces, or from papers analyzing these pieces. This writing can be comprehended and interpreted in a variety of different ways, which is what originally drew me to the major itself. This assignment, on the other hand, is completely fact based, and it was difficult for me to convey the facts in a concise but thorough manner, as I felt that there was a lot that I could say or be descriptive about that was uncalled for in the assignment. 

The peer review process was also difficult for me, as I had to read and analyze Samantha’s writing in a much more literal way, looking at the way that facts were delivered and if honest information was given, rather than reflecting on her analysis of a topic. This took me longer than I expected and I had to take a step back and remind myself a few times to look at it that way. When I had originally read the criteria for this assignment I didn’t realize how much of a learning curve it would be and how much I would have to put present thought and deliberation into every single word that I was choosing.

In the self-edit process, I felt as if I was more comfortable with the style of writing and that I could much more simply make the changes that needed to be made. This made the process quicker and more enjoyable, and I felt as if I was able to look over the original assignment and agree with my peer on where she advised adjustments and changes. The process really helped me review and reflect on writing in a different way than I had before and I feel as if it will help me further my writing education and help me learn about all these aspects of writing from a different perspective than I had before. 


Revised Definition: Brianna

Peer Review Brianna’s Definition


Email Messages to Classmates

Hi Kristy,

I recently read your post on the ENGL 301 blogs and would like to invite you to my professional writing team. My name is Brianna and I am in my 4th year in the BMM program, majoring in English Literature.  I would love to work alongside you to grow in knowledge and skill this semester as we tackle the assignments of this course. I have attached my application letter so you can take a look, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Brianna Diogo

Hi Matilda,

I recently read your post on the ENGL 301 blogs and would like to invite you to my professional writing team. My name is Brianna and I am in my 4th year in the BMM program, majoring in English Literature.  I would love to work alongside you to grow in knowledge and skill this semester as we tackle the assignments of this course. I also have experienced working with young children and would consider myself an enthusiastic person, so I have attached my application letter so you can take a look, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Brianna Diogo
Hi Nicole,

I recently read your post on the ENGL 301 blogs and would like to invite you to my professional writing team. My name is Brianna and I am in my 4th year in the BMM program, majoring in English Literature.  I would love to work alongside you to improve both of our writing skills, as you had mentioned in your letter that it was one of your goals. I have attached my application letter so you can take a look, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Brianna Diogo



To: Dr. Erika Patterson, ENGL 301 

From: Brianna Diogo

Date: May 30, 2022

Subject: Application Letter

This memo is to inform you that I have uploaded my application letter to my blog.

The application letter consists of:

  • An introduction to me
  • Summary of interests and education
  • Contact information

Please let me know if you have any questions of comments. 

Enclosure: Application Letter

301 Brianna Diogo Application Letter

301 Brianna Diogo Application Letter

3787 Avondale St.

Burnaby, BC V5G1N8

May 30 2022


English 301 Students


Hello and welcome to my English 301 blog. My name is Brianna Diogo and I am a 4th year BMM student, majoring in English Literature while taking my business classes simultaneously, and I am writing this application for a position on your writing team.

With a passion for marketing and PR, the application of my major with the Masters of Management allows me to explore ways of writing and communicating that captivate an audience and project clear and concise messages. I strongly believe that with my experience in the educational and professional worlds, I would be a great addition to your team. Please feel free to reach out about anything to do with writing, marketing or digital media, or just to connect. 

Contact email:

Brianna Diogo

301 Brianna Diogo Application Letter