Developing My LinkedIn and Another Attempt at Peer Reviews: Unit Two Reflection

One of the primary assignments for this unit was to prepare a memo with the best practices for LinkedIn. This assignment was incredibly interesting for me due the fact that one of my biggest passions is social media, however LinkedIn is one that I have been afraid of and have strayed away from. This research was definitely helpful in making myself more comfortable with the network and giving me guidance with how to move forward on what seems like a very beneficial social network for professionals.
The next assignment was the report proposal, and this was also an interesting assignment for me because I have never written a report proposal before. This specific report covers a topic that I have spoken to a lot of people about in the last few years and it was interesting to look at it from a much more technical angle. This has been a really interesting and almost frustrating experience for me. The type of writing that I am most comfortable with is much more free-form and creative, so this detailed structure has been difficult.

The peer review process has also been difficult for me, due to the fact that I have written the same way for so long, it is so difficult for me to remember to make those adjustments. I am aware that this is an issue that would heavily benefit me to move forward from, but it is something that I have a really hard time with and am working towards more as the semester goes on and am trying to be as mindful of as possible.

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