Goodbye, Farewell: The Final Self-Assessment Reflection

As I’ve already touched upon in earlier reflections, this class has been incredibly different than any other class I’ve taken before. I have had to discipline myself more as I learned to write in different styles and by more specific guidelines than I have previously.

I feel as though I have grown alot in this course, however I feel as if one of the main areas of growth I have experienced has been learning what my weaknesses are, and the areas in which I still need to grow and develop my writing skills. I feel as though in classes prior to this one, I was able to overlook some of my technical laziness with the fact that I could form great ideas and put together a storyline, but this class forced me to call into question the things that I have been overlooking for a long time.

However, I think that being forced to go back and really technically review your work in your twenties allows someone to get back into the practice of revision, and I feel like I was able to develop a lot of skills that I can apply to my future professional endeavours.

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