Revised Formal Report Proposal and Survey Questions

To: Rancho Folclorico Cruz de Cristo Administration

From: Brianna Diogo

Date: June 22, 2022

Subject: Assessing the Feasibility of a New Structural System for Rancho Folclorico Cruz de Cristo



Over the last four decades, the Rancho Folclorico Cruz de Cristo has been an incredibly disorganized and dysfunctional Portuguese cultural dancing group. The group operates out of a church basement in East Vancouver, run by three administrators, four instructors, and a variety of parents who volunteer and help the organization run. The dance groups range from ages 5-25 and each participates in performances in British Columbia.

Statement of Problem

The administration and teaching staff are comprised mostly of volunteers, and class fees go directly to costumes and travel, so the organization and formality of the group are seriously lacking. This leads to people being moved around groups due to social politics and not receiving milestone awards that they have earned, spectators and parents getting overly involved, rehearsals not being taken seriously, and even having to drop out of performances last minute due to dancers not showing up, with no consequence to the dancers following. Many people leave the group since they feel as if they are not respected and appreciated, and this leads to constant re-organization, meaning that rehearsal times and performances are full of distractions and unprofessionalism.

Proposed Solution

One possible solution to the organizational aspect of this issue is to establish a proper booking and organizational system, preferably one that is virtual and can be accessed by the appropriate members. When records are being kept on paper for decades on end, it is much too easy for mistakes to be made and for there to be detrimental communication errors. Regarding dancers not showing up to performances and not taking rehearsals seriously, a solution would be to enact a more structured rehearsal schedule and to provide contracts and guidelines to the dancers to make sure that rules are being followed and dancers and their families are being held accountable for conscious ignorance.


To assess the feasibility of re-organizing the structure of the group, I plan to pursue five areas of inquiry:

  1. What organization systems are most effective for administration?
  2. What is the most effective and efficient way of communication between dancers, instructors, and administration members?
  3. What are the most appropriate forms of consequences for conscious ignorance?
  4. What are the guidelines and specifics that should be presented in a contract to dancers and their families?
  5. How might these changes affect all parties involved psychologically?


My primary data will include interviews with members from all parties, as well as firsthand knowledge.

My secondary data will come from research papers and articles on organization, especially involving children, as well as legal requirement research and psychology papers.

My Qualifications

After being a member of the group for sixteen years, I followed the activities of the group closely, observing changes firsthand and also hearing from many members that I had gained trust with. I have also heard from many other industry professionals about the issues that are going on behind the scenes, especially in comparison to other dance companies.


It is incredibly clear that action needs to be taken, and change is long overdue. By looking at the five areas of inquiry mentioned earlier, I look forward to beginning research with your approval.

Survey Questions

  1. Have you been part of a sports team or dance group in the last ten years?
  2. The classes I have attended are: (with choices referencing organization)
  3. The commitment levels I have witnessed are:
  4. The commitment levels within the coaches, teachers and administrative staff are:
  5. Were you asked to sign a contract upon joining the group?
  6. Were there active consequences given if contracts were broken?
  7. Were there repercussions given if there was lack of commitment to the group?
  8. Did you feel satisfied with any changes made to the organization?
  9. Are you still a member of said group?

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