Revised Peer Review of Formal Report

To: Lovin Kahlon

From: Brianna Diogo

Date: July 27, 2022

Subject: Peer review of the formal report draft: Integrating Ultrasonic Scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Thank you for submitting the report on integrating ultrasonic scaling at pediatric dental practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This is a great job of exploring solutions to the issues within the practice. Below are suggestions for improving the formal report.

First Impressions:

  • The report does a great job of detailing the areas in which the practice could use improvement
  • Great solution
  • The images and data really add substance and relevance to the report
  • A few minor formatting errors could be because of how the document was exported


  • The background and description are very concise but also provide all of the necessary details for the audience to get a grasp of what will be covered in the report
  • The method of inquiry is great and detailed
  • The Limitations of the Study and Scope of the Inquiry headings are different from the others, as they are not indented


  • This is great, and detailed, and all of the figures embedded are incredibly helpful


  • Great structure, easy to follow and the elements are nicely laid out

Revised Recare System:

  • This looks great!


  • Everything looks great, but be sure to go over it a few times to make sure everything is as concise and relevant as possible to present the most amount of information with minimal filler

Organization and Design:

  • Make sure all the headings are the same
  • The introduction begins halfway down a blank page
  • Just be sure to check for formatting


The report looks great! Below is a summary of suggestions:

  • Reformatting the report
  • Revising the content to make it as concise and relevant as possible

Thank you for allowing me to peer review. If there are any questions, please contact me at


Brianna Diogo

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