The Final Bump in the Road: Web Folio Reflection

For someone that would say she is pretty creative, boy did this one stump me. For the majority of my educational career, I have been taught that the part of my personality that dreams of creativity, color, and magic, and the part that does my assignments should be two completely separate entities. I have trained myself and practiced not letting the two overlap for fear of failure or consequence. When I read the beginning lines of this assignment outline and saw that I had to choose my own audience, the first thing I thought of was the easiest way out, to address this blog to my professor, to my fellow classmates, and present it solely as a representation of my educational career, the things on paper that would prove that I was a dedicated student.

Instead, I chose to portray this web folio in the way that I have been dividing my brain over the last 16 years. I would portray all of my assignments, my work, and my resume, and then I would add a page where my social media, my creativity, and my work could shine through, proving to a brand why I could be a passionate and valuable asset to them.

Although I tossed and turned on this idea for awhile, I truly believe that this is the best way to portray not only the place at which I am right now, but the goals that I wish to achieve and the many places I wish to take all that I have.

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