Revised Memo to Evan Crisp



To: Evan Crisp

From: Brianna Diogo, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 14, 2022

Subject: Practices for Writing Effective Email Messages


Thank you for reaching out about writing effective email messages. Below are some suggestions that will help you write clearly and effectively.


Suggestions for writing effective email messages:

  • Using a clear and concise subject line informs the audience of the context and urgency of the message
  • Avoiding informal addressing when speaking to others, and using formal language and addressing instead to avoid sounding too demanding
  • Positively composing the email, rather than too direct and demanding, using short sentence structure while providing all of the necessary details
  • Explaining the reason that the recipient should be interested in the content being provided
  • Ending the email with a professional sign-off, thanking the recipient for their time, and using your full name so that the recipient knows exactly who the email is from
  • Removing unnecessary details while making sure that all necessary information is provided
  • Editing the email and making sure that there are no typos or grammatical errors

Clear and concise emails are necessary for improved results. Using these tips will improve the chances of success. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 123-456-7890 or email me at

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