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Revised Peer Review of Formal Report

To: Lovin Kahlon

From: Brianna Diogo

Date: July 27, 2022

Subject: Peer review of the formal report draft: Integrating Ultrasonic Scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Thank you for submitting the report on integrating ultrasonic scaling at pediatric dental practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This is a great job of exploring solutions to the issues within the practice. Below are suggestions for improving the formal report.

First Impressions:

  • The report does a great job of detailing the areas in which the practice could use improvement
  • Great solution
  • The images and data really add substance and relevance to the report
  • A few minor formatting errors could be because of how the document was exported


  • The background and description are very concise but also provide all of the necessary details for the audience to get a grasp of what will be covered in the report
  • The method of inquiry is great and detailed
  • The Limitations of the Study and Scope of the Inquiry headings are different from the others, as they are not indented


  • This is great, and detailed, and all of the figures embedded are incredibly helpful


  • Great structure, easy to follow and the elements are nicely laid out

Revised Recare System:

  • This looks great!


  • Everything looks great, but be sure to go over it a few times to make sure everything is as concise and relevant as possible to present the most amount of information with minimal filler

Organization and Design:

  • Make sure all the headings are the same
  • The introduction begins halfway down a blank page
  • Just be sure to check for formatting


The report looks great! Below is a summary of suggestions:

  • Reformatting the report
  • Revising the content to make it as concise and relevant as possible

Thank you for allowing me to peer review. If there are any questions, please contact me at


Brianna Diogo

Revised Complaint and Reponse

June 12, 2022


Customer Support

Teaja Organics.

22071 Fraserwood Way

Richmond, BC V6W 1J5


Attention: Mr. Raj Teja


Dear Mr. Teja,

Your company has a great reputation as a high-quality and delicious organic tea distributor. I decided to use your company’s services to order custom tea for an event, and my experience was shockingly disappointing.

Before the event, I met with your tea master “Greg” on May 26 to review what I was hoping for and to decide on a flavour and packaging combination that would be suitable for the event. He guided me through my choices and we decided on “Good Morning” tea, and white, minimalistic packaging. I placed the order right away, and we decided to set up a pick-up time.

On June 1, as per our agreement, I arrived at your warehouse to pick up my order and was given a large bag of loose-leaf tea and a box of the empty bags that the tea was supposed to be packaged in. I had been under the impression that the tea would have come prepackaged, and after calling Greg, was told quite rudely that I would be charged the full amount again if I needed this done.

This situation caused the event to be without this custom tea, as I had not foreseen this extra time needed to package all of the tea. My disappointment is that I was not informed that this would be the case.

I am requesting that this matter is resolved and I can receive a refund for the tea within the next month.


Yours truly,

Brianna Diogo

Coordinator, A Day to Remember Events

Enclosed: Bill of custom tea







Teaja Organic. 22071 Fraserwood Way, Richmond, BC V6W1J5


June 16, 2022


Ms. Brianna Diogo

A Day to Remember Events.

3085 Main Street

Vancouver, BC V5T 3G6


Dear Ms. Diogo:


Thank you for choosing us as your tea supplier for your event. Teaja Organic strives to provide excellent tea and customer satisfaction and we appreciate your patience and feedback.

We understand that there was a miscommunication in the way that the tea would be delivered, however, we did not state that the tea would have been packaged upon pickup.

If you would like to return the tea, we can provide a refund within the month. We value your business and look forward to another opportunity to serve you.


Yours truly,

Raj Teja


Revised Memo to Evan Crisp



To: Evan Crisp

From: Brianna Diogo, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 14, 2022

Subject: Practices for Writing Effective Email Messages


Thank you for reaching out about writing effective email messages. Below are some suggestions that will help you write clearly and effectively.


Suggestions for writing effective email messages:

  • Using a clear and concise subject line informs the audience of the context and urgency of the message
  • Avoiding informal addressing when speaking to others, and using formal language and addressing instead to avoid sounding too demanding
  • Positively composing the email, rather than too direct and demanding, using short sentence structure while providing all of the necessary details
  • Explaining the reason that the recipient should be interested in the content being provided
  • Ending the email with a professional sign-off, thanking the recipient for their time, and using your full name so that the recipient knows exactly who the email is from
  • Removing unnecessary details while making sure that all necessary information is provided
  • Editing the email and making sure that there are no typos or grammatical errors

Clear and concise emails are necessary for improved results. Using these tips will improve the chances of success. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 123-456-7890 or email me at

Revised LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

To: Team Kristy

From: Brianna Diogo

Date: July 6, 2022

Subject: Best Practices for LinkedIn


Dear Team Kristy,


LinkedIn is a website used for networking on a professional scale that provides opportunities for connections and development. Below I have listed the ten best practices for optimizing a LinkedIn profile.


  • Optimize your profile with as many details as possible. This includes a relevant profile and background photo, and a complete bio with any information that is relevant to your professional network.
  • Expand your network as much as possible. Make connections with people you already know, people who work or are educated in the same place as you, or even with people who you do not know personally but who you want to know. No network is too big, and every connection is a meaningful one and can prove to be helpful in the long term.
  • Ask people to endorse your skills and endorse other skills. People can talk about themselves as much as they want, but having others back them up is extremely helpful in proving credibility.
  • Add a captivating headline. Add something that allows people who view the profile to glimpse who you are both personally and professionally. To ensure this is effective, keep it concise but use captivating words and adjectives as much as possible.
  • Request recommendations. This allows people to explain why the reference is being given, rather than the endorsement which doesn’t leave room for explanation or details. This can prove effective, especially if the person recommending you has a strong profile, and may share many connections with people looking at the recommendation.
  • Make constant adjustments. As much as possible, keep the profile updated and accurate so that anyone viewing has the most optimal information.
  • Use visuals. Visuals capture more attention than writing, especially when eye-catching and relevant.
  • Include thorough contact information. This allows for anyone intrigued by your profile to reach out easily, rather than having to search for a way to contact you.
  • Add detailed descriptions of your experience. This is a way to not only highlight the places you have learned and worked, but also what exactly those things entailed, and the skills that you can then take to move on in a new path.
  • Strategize your content creation. The things you post and share are reflections of who you are, so make sure that you are thinking carefully about what you choose to post and make public on your profile.


The summary above will help maximize the effectiveness and productivity of your LinkedIn profile.


“20 Steps to a Better Linkedin Profile in 2022.” LinkedIn,

Cox, Lindsay Kolowich. “How to Craft The Perfect Linkedin Profile in 2022: 21 Easy Steps.” HubSpot Blog, HubSpot, 20 Jan. 2022,

Omoth, Tyler. “How to Make Your Linkedin Profile Stand Out.” TopResume, 7 Feb. 2022,

Revised Proposal Memo


To: Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Professor

From: Brianna Diogo

Date: June 29, 2022

Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Re-organization of Affairs in Regards to Organization and Structural Issues

According to the requirements of the 2.1 assignment, I have posted my proposal for the re-organization of Rancho Folclorico Cruz de Cristo on my team forum. The proposal is attached below.

My research proposal contains:

  • Audience Description – Directors of Rancho Folclorico Cruz de Cristo
  • Introduction of Topic – Re-organization of Affairs in Regards to Organization and Structural Issues
  • Statement of Problem – Lack of commitment and organization leading to detrimental consequences
  • Qualifications – Experience in the group and working with other members
  • Conclusion – summarizes the importance of the changes that must be made.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.



Enclosure: Brianna Diogo’s Research Proposal

Revised Formal Report Proposal and Survey Questions

To: Rancho Folclorico Cruz de Cristo Administration

From: Brianna Diogo

Date: June 22, 2022

Subject: Assessing the Feasibility of a New Structural System for Rancho Folclorico Cruz de Cristo



Over the last four decades, the Rancho Folclorico Cruz de Cristo has been an incredibly disorganized and dysfunctional Portuguese cultural dancing group. The group operates out of a church basement in East Vancouver, run by three administrators, four instructors, and a variety of parents who volunteer and help the organization run. The dance groups range from ages 5-25 and each participates in performances in British Columbia.

Statement of Problem

The administration and teaching staff are comprised mostly of volunteers, and class fees go directly to costumes and travel, so the organization and formality of the group are seriously lacking. This leads to people being moved around groups due to social politics and not receiving milestone awards that they have earned, spectators and parents getting overly involved, rehearsals not being taken seriously, and even having to drop out of performances last minute due to dancers not showing up, with no consequence to the dancers following. Many people leave the group since they feel as if they are not respected and appreciated, and this leads to constant re-organization, meaning that rehearsal times and performances are full of distractions and unprofessionalism.

Proposed Solution

One possible solution to the organizational aspect of this issue is to establish a proper booking and organizational system, preferably one that is virtual and can be accessed by the appropriate members. When records are being kept on paper for decades on end, it is much too easy for mistakes to be made and for there to be detrimental communication errors. Regarding dancers not showing up to performances and not taking rehearsals seriously, a solution would be to enact a more structured rehearsal schedule and to provide contracts and guidelines to the dancers to make sure that rules are being followed and dancers and their families are being held accountable for conscious ignorance.


To assess the feasibility of re-organizing the structure of the group, I plan to pursue five areas of inquiry:

  1. What organization systems are most effective for administration?
  2. What is the most effective and efficient way of communication between dancers, instructors, and administration members?
  3. What are the most appropriate forms of consequences for conscious ignorance?
  4. What are the guidelines and specifics that should be presented in a contract to dancers and their families?
  5. How might these changes affect all parties involved psychologically?


My primary data will include interviews with members from all parties, as well as firsthand knowledge.

My secondary data will come from research papers and articles on organization, especially involving children, as well as legal requirement research and psychology papers.

My Qualifications

After being a member of the group for sixteen years, I followed the activities of the group closely, observing changes firsthand and also hearing from many members that I had gained trust with. I have also heard from many other industry professionals about the issues that are going on behind the scenes, especially in comparison to other dance companies.


It is incredibly clear that action needs to be taken, and change is long overdue. By looking at the five areas of inquiry mentioned earlier, I look forward to beginning research with your approval.

Survey Questions

  1. Have you been part of a sports team or dance group in the last ten years?
  2. The classes I have attended are: (with choices referencing organization)
  3. The commitment levels I have witnessed are:
  4. The commitment levels within the coaches, teachers and administrative staff are:
  5. Were you asked to sign a contract upon joining the group?
  6. Were there active consequences given if contracts were broken?
  7. Were there repercussions given if there was lack of commitment to the group?
  8. Did you feel satisfied with any changes made to the organization?
  9. Are you still a member of said group?

Revised Peer Review of Definition Assignment

Peer Review

Reviewer: Brianna Diogo

Author: Samantha Teeple

Title of Expanded Definition: Xerostomia


First Impressions: 

The definitions were concise, and I could understand them on the first read-through. The definition was full of information and detail, and I felt thoroughly informed. I would add more specific titles, especially in the expanded definition portion, maybe using questions like “what is Xerostomia”? Etc. As well, I would add a few more sections detailing consequences if no treatment is sought, risks, etc.



  • The purpose of the document is incredibly clear, and it is made evident that these are different types of definitions.
  • I would have liked to see a few more sections detailing a few other side effects or symptoms so that the definition could be more thorough and well-rounded, but I think the purpose of the definition was clear and achieved.



  • The organization of the document makes it easy to read and understand
  • I like that the photos are included at the end (right before the references) so as not to unnecessarily break up the document
  • The references are neatly laid out and easy to access if need be
  • If those extra sections that I mentioned above were added, they would most likely fit best under the definitions and before the photos that are already on the document

Final Impressions:

The definition is clear and concise and doesn’t overwhelm or confuse the audience. A few minor adjustments:

  • Including one or two more sections
  • Expanding on section titles

Thank you for your definitions. Feel free to contact me at 111-111-1111 or if you have any questions or concerns.

Goodbye, Farewell: The Final Self-Assessment Reflection

As I’ve already touched upon in earlier reflections, this class has been incredibly different than any other class I’ve taken before. I have had to discipline myself more as I learned to write in different styles and by more specific guidelines than I have previously.

I feel as though I have grown alot in this course, however I feel as if one of the main areas of growth I have experienced has been learning what my weaknesses are, and the areas in which I still need to grow and develop my writing skills. I feel as though in classes prior to this one, I was able to overlook some of my technical laziness with the fact that I could form great ideas and put together a storyline, but this class forced me to call into question the things that I have been overlooking for a long time.

However, I think that being forced to go back and really technically review your work in your twenties allows someone to get back into the practice of revision, and I feel like I was able to develop a lot of skills that I can apply to my future professional endeavours.

The Final Bump in the Road: Web Folio Reflection

For someone that would say she is pretty creative, boy did this one stump me. For the majority of my educational career, I have been taught that the part of my personality that dreams of creativity, color, and magic, and the part that does my assignments should be two completely separate entities. I have trained myself and practiced not letting the two overlap for fear of failure or consequence. When I read the beginning lines of this assignment outline and saw that I had to choose my own audience, the first thing I thought of was the easiest way out, to address this blog to my professor, to my fellow classmates, and present it solely as a representation of my educational career, the things on paper that would prove that I was a dedicated student.

Instead, I chose to portray this web folio in the way that I have been dividing my brain over the last 16 years. I would portray all of my assignments, my work, and my resume, and then I would add a page where my social media, my creativity, and my work could shine through, proving to a brand why I could be a passionate and valuable asset to them.

Although I tossed and turned on this idea for awhile, I truly believe that this is the best way to portray not only the place at which I am right now, but the goals that I wish to achieve and the many places I wish to take all that I have.