Thousands of new jobs

A couple weeks ago in lecture we had discussed the sunk costs of the ships for BC Ferries and how terrible of a decision it was to sell for cheap.  Knowing this was already a terrible decision, it seems that this wasn’t the only bust for BC’s shipbuilding industry in recent years.

BC used to have a solid shipbuilding industry that created thousands of jobs, but over the past decade, the industry workforce has diminished to only a few hundred.  Recently in 2004, more than 5000 jobs could have been created but the half a billion dollars in contracts were given to Germans instead.  This is almost like another sunk cost; BC hasn’t exactly made the best decisions in the past decade.

Fortunately, $11.3billion in contracts has been given to boost local shipbuilding for the first time in years.  This will not only increase our employment rate in BC, but these non-combat vessels can come in handy to support all kinds of businesses.  The article does not specify what they will be used for, but as non-combat vessels, they can definitely provide for the marine industry or even the fishing industry.  I can see this contract as one that will provide benefits for the entire country as a whole for many years to come.

Government Shutdown

This is the first US government shutdown in 17 years.  Among all the politics, hundreds of thousands of people are affected enormously.  At first, reading the title of this article gave me the impression that the government was shutting down forever.  Since being born in 1995, I have never heard of a shutdown before.  The most crucial question for me right now is how it will affect me.

Knowing that Canada’s economy is absolutely dependent on US, I can only imagine how much damage this will do if the shutdown continues.  What I did find out was that a government shutdown in the US is actually not quite like ones in any other country.  In US, it has been accepted as a negotiating tactic that has happened numerous times in history.  However, for the rest of the world, a government shutdown seems to be the cause of a revolution or even a disaster.  I doubt that this will affect me much in my daily life, but I do expect to see gas prices go up, goods and service prices go up and see this issue on TV for the next couple weeks.