Where are all the Customers?

After working a 16-hour shift this weekend, I took notice of many things.  As a cashier at Save-On-Foods, I regularly interact with customers of all sorts.  However, it seems as though time was passing by much slower at work.  I could see a considerably fewer amount of customers coming into our store than usual.  Eventually, one customer came up to me and asked me if I’ve gotten the chance to check out the new Target that opened up this weekend.  It seems as though the opening of Target has shifted numerous customers away from Save-On-Foods.  But the thing is, it all tied in because customers have always complained about our prices being higher than competitors.  Through my two year tenure as a cashier at Save-On, I realized that our store stresses so much over customer service that we often forget about keeping our prices competitive.  As the sales in our store have declined over the past few years, our managers have not done much to improve the situation.  The most striking question to me is why management hasn’t done anything to changed our focus to make our prices more competitive when customers have been complaining all this time



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