Top 100 to nothing

Once a top competitor in the cell phone market, Blackberry has plummeted off the top 100 list of global brands after a reported nearly US$1-billion loss.

It was only a couple years ago when Blackberry was the latest fad.  When I was in grade 10, Blackberry’s sleek design and useful features was one of the many reasons why everyone used it.  Blackberry messenger was a unique feature that other brands did not have at the time.  Now two years later, not only do none of my friends own a blackberry anymore, but I rarely hear about it anymore in my daily life.  Similarly,  Nokia, once the largest phone maker in the world went down 65% to 57th place.  So what exactly is the reason for these huge declines? As a consumer, lack of innovation is probably the number one problem for both these companies.  While Apple and Samsung continued to bring out well advertised and innovative features, Blackberry and Nokia just weren’t able to keep up.  Consumers generally shifted away from these two companies as Apple and Samsung were able to provide phones with more intriguing features.

So here’s the question, why is it that Blackberry and Nokia took this long to realize what was wrong before they went through such huge losses?

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