Exercise Assessment

Exercise Assessments will be performed before any individuals partake in physical activity. The purpose of a pre-assessment is to determine the individuals health status and physical ability. All assessment recordings provide baseline information to build upon.

1) Health screening – to determine if a participant is cleared for exercise and/or is clear for an assessment (approved by physician), we will need to perform a PAR-Q: this is a self reported form and it acknowledges the risks involved in partaking in the exercise

2) Body composition assessment – height and weight (BMI), skinfolds, and Waist Circumference (WC)– goal is to determine if the individual is within the healthy range for body composition

Healthy amount of body fat for older adults:

Males: 13%~25%

Females: 24%~36%

3) Aerobic fitness assessment rockport walk test – This test is ideal for the older adult population because it is easy to administer and it does not require the individual to exert their bodies to get a base line: This test is suitable for both males and females of poor fitness who would not be able to complete a similar distance run test. The test is suitable for people of all ages, from the very young to the elderly. The test consists of the individual to walk as fast as possible for 1 mile, after the mile has been completed we immediately take the pulse rate. We will provide heart rate monitors to record and obtain a minute heart rate score. The time it took to complete the mile will be recorded as well as body weight for a VO2 max calculation.

5) Physical fitness assessment:

This is critical in promoting and maintaining overall health as well as

Normal Range of Scores – Men

 Ages 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94
Chair stand(#) of stands 12-18 12-17 11-17 10-15 8-14 7-12
Arm Curl(#) of reps 15-21 14-21 13-19 13-19 11-17 10-14
6-Min Walk(#) of meters) 512-640 498-622 430-585 407-553 347-521 279-457
2-Min Step(#) of steps 86-116 80-110 73-109 71-103 59-91 52-86
Chair Sit-&-Reach (inches +/-) -3.0 – +3.0 -3.5 – +2.5 -4.0 – +2.0 -5.5 – +1.5 -5.5 – +1.5 -6.5 – -0.5
Back Scratch (Inches +/-) -7.5- -1.0 -8.0- -1.0 -9.0- -2.0 -9.5- -2.0 -10.0- -3.0 -10.5- -4.0
8-Ft Up-&-Go(seconds) 5.7-4.3 6.0-4.2 7.2-4.6 7.6-5.2 8.9-5.3 10.0-6.2

Normal Range of Scores – Women

 Ages 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94
Chair stand(#) of stands 11-16 10-15 10-15 9-14 8-13 4-11
Arm Curl(#) of reps 12-18 12-17 11-17 10-16 10-15 8-13
6-Min Walk(#) of meters) 457-581 439-562 393-535 352-494 311-466 251-402
2-Min Step(#) of steps 73-107 68-101 68-100 60-91 55-85 44-72
Chair Sit-&-Reach (inches +/-) -0.5 – +4.5 -1.0 – +4.0 -1.5 – +3.5 -2.0 – +3.0 -2.5 – +2.5 -4.5 – +1.0
Back Scratch (Inches +/-) -3.5 – +1.5 -4.0 – +1.0 -5.0 – +0.5 -5.5 – +0.0  -7.0 – -1.0 -8.0 – -1.0
8-Ft Up-&-Go(seconds) 6.4 – 4.8 7.1 – 4.9 7.4 – 5.2 8.7 – 5.7 9.6 – 6.2 11.5 – 7.3

Fitness assessment examples:


  • Roosevelt C & Gloria P:

PAR-Q responses were filled out with no complication allowing participation.

Body Composition:

BMI Waist Circumference Sum of 5 skinfolds
Roosevelt 80kg/1.755^2= 25.9, Excellent 90cm, Excellent 60mm, Very Good
Glora BMI: 65kg/1.60^2= 25.4, Excellent 78cm, Excellent 80mm, Excellent

Both Individuals were in good Healthy body composition ranges

Aerobic Fitness Assessment

Roosevelt 35 ml/kg/min
Gloria 30 ml/kg/min

Through the Rockport fitness test we were able to determine that both Roosevelt and Gloria were in very good ranges for aerobic fitness

Physical Fitness Assessment

Chair stand Arm Curl 6-min Walk 2-min Step Chair  Sit and Reach Back Scratch 8-Ft up and Go
Roosevelt 21 Stands 21 Reps 700 m 115 Steps +1 0 4 Sec
Gloria 17 Stands 17 Reps 600 m 100 Steps +4 +1 5 Sec

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