Peter and Paul Fortress
by Brittany Manson
WOW, two posts in one day! Omg!
Yeah, so I’m catching up.
On Sunday, Ellen and I went to Peter and Paul Fortress just off one of the islands that encapsulates what is St. Petersburg city. No palace her (shocked?) but it does have a walls surrounding it (probably due to it being a fortress), a cathedral, prison, mint, and many other interesting buildings. The cathedral is not just any Cathedral though, this is where all the Romanov’s are stored in giant marble tombs (there is an actual word for this process but it escapes me). Just recently they added the assassinated Tsar, Tsarina, Tsarettes, etc.
Also, the prison, so very cool. Like I said in my last post.. the Russians really know how to make a museum. Tons of information about the prison and how it changed through the ages including mini bio/profiles on some of it’s more notable prisons (Maxim Gorky, Trotsky, Alexander Illyich Ulyanov, and many many others) most of the people they profiled had spent time there as political prisoners for a part of the “Going to the People” or Народники movements at the turn of the 20th century. These events were basically what started the ball rolling for the coming revolutions and eventually the birth of the USSR. Super, super interesting, in my opinion.
Note worthy: there was also a bus they had turned into toilets for public use!
Oh oh, and Ellen would smack me if I didn’t mention the Space Museum. She was finally able to express her undying love for Yuri Gargarin. We also got to pose behind some awesome cardboard cut-outs.
Now I go back to my pile of homework (well, mostly extra work I want to do), banana flavoured ice-cream, and Wolverine (по-руссски).
Banya again tomorrow morning!!!!
Me as a kosmonaut!