September 2014

Marianne Broderick’s ETEC565A ePortfolio- First Thoughts


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As a teacher, I have heard the buzz words, “21st century learning” and have witnessed an increased urgency to introduce students to the use of learning technologies within our classrooms. Indeed, students arrive in our classrooms familiar with and proficient in a wide range of social media and technologies. However, I believe my role as an educator is to really teach students to use these new medias and technologies responsibly and to help them understand the implications of their use. Within this course, I feel that I am engaging in meaningful professional growth by exploring available technological tools and resources that will aid in student learning.

As an early primary teacher in an elementary school, I feel that it is particularly important to build a strong foundation in technology from the beginning. Issues of digital citizenship and social responsibility are extremely important to address and scaffold as these are the attitudes and etiquette that we wish to instill in children.

I am excited to explore technology that will promote hands on learning with and through technology. I am equally excited to explore the use of learning management systems (LMS) and determine how they can be adapted and used within a grade one classroom.   Furthermore, the realm of learning technology is constantly evolving and I am looking forward to learning about various technologies and how to select and use appropriate media within my classroom.

With a young age group, I feel that using technology is a necessary avenue to engage students. Available technology and websites allow students to collaborate and to share their learning. This aspect of the communication of learning is one that I would like to explore further. At the same time, I am continually challenged with the issue of how to integrate technology into the curriculum, rather than it simply being an add- on activity or novelty. These are all issues that I hope to explore and address within this course.

Proceed to my Flight Path to read more about me and my goals for this course.