Moodle for Grade 1’s

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The whole process of learning to use the various aspects of Moodle was valuable in that it made me reassess what I want  a class website to encompass.  In the past, my class website provided asynchronous, broadcast communications to the parent community, which was all very helpful.  However, I am finding that Moodle allows me to continue to convey information with the added benefit of creating an environment that encourages parent, teacher and student interactions outside of the school setting.  I think that I can create a platform to encourage students to use technology to continue their learning and to also provide resources for parents to use or access with their children.  One question I often get from parents is, “What are some ways I can help my child at home?”  They often expect me to provide them with workbooks, worksheets or websites to practice rote skills.  I think I can do better than that by using Moodle activities and also providing web- based resources through links.

Proceed to my Intro Module to read my reflections about creating an introduction module for a grade one classroom.

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