
Archive for November, 2010


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This is one of my favorite. New digital cameras have auto focus functions (well maybe not only new ones).  This ad is showing how good this camera is for capturing human faces. There are five more faces captured in the back watching these hot girls. Haha genius.

Written by Kay Nam

November 28th, 2010 at 11:47 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Coffee bean?

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When most people (who have moderate knowledge of coffee) hear about coffee the first image that comes to their mind is brownish coffee beans that looks like some kind of nuts. It was my first time I knew that the brown coffee bean is actually the seed of some kind of cherry which I have never seen before (look like the ones in the picture above). I had a chance to have basic knowledge of coffee when I started my first part-time job at Blenz and from then I became a big fan of coffee. Well, now I’m an addict. The coffee beans before the roasting are green and they get brown as being roasted. Here is some interesting experiment some guy doing coffee importing for a living. The experiment is about green coffee. It’s quite interesting actually. Check it out.

Written by Kay Nam

November 20th, 2010 at 10:39 pm

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Coca Cola in Kenya

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In 2006, I visited Nairobi for charity activity. One scene that was very impressive was wherever I go I could see Coca Cola signs and I could buy Coca Cola in glass bottle. I remember the day I was sitting on the beach in Kenya and drinking a bottle of Coca Cola. It was awesome. Coca Cola has been in Africa since 1929. We could find Coca Cola everywhere in Africa now. According to Bloomberg, “Sales are flat in developed countries. For Coke to keep growing, Africa is it.”

Written by Kay Nam

November 14th, 2010 at 10:51 pm

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Kopi Luwak

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I had no clue what this animal was until I was informed that the best and one of the most expensive coffee bean “Kopi Luwak” can only be produced  by this animal called Asian Palm Civet. The only way to get this extremely rare coffee beans is by coffee cherries eaten by the civet and pass through civet’s digestive track. Kopi Luwak is wheigh more expensive than other high end coffee beans and hard to find the 100% real one. But, it is so interesting and I am so willing to taste it sometime.

Written by Kay Nam

November 7th, 2010 at 10:56 pm

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