Reply to “How social media can be used by social enterprises”

Based on Canada Business Network‘s business blog post ” How social media can be used by social enterprises“, I have a few personal point of views toward it. 

Briefly speaking, social enterprises strive to have the environmental, cultural and friendly social effect on the whole society in terms of different business models. In the meanwhile, social media heads to achieve social cohesiveness by conveying messages to each individual. The main propose of this post emphasizes the relatedness between social enterprise and social media, which can essentially   have a win-win effect reflecting to the business perspective.

By cooperating with social media, enterprises would have more chances of withdrawing public attention. Despite this, corporations could take the chance over to hunt potential partners and financial contributors as well. Surviving in a competitive market is not easy as surviving yourself, it doesn’t only need to sustainable but also needs to be consistent and such things that could have the company a better off future. Thus, in order to be able standing longer, firms necessarily should consider the cooperation with social medias in case that they won’t be switched out by others.

Concluding points above, it’s not biased that every single enterprise should work on their publicity on account of their obligation. Wanting to be leading a industry? Better off  grasping media’s eyes at the first move( most considerably), then to think of how to make consumers happy.


References: Canada Business Network    Forbes    Entrepreneur 

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