
Reply to “Sizing up Morphsuits”

Matheus Santo had a interesting point on a well known dress across the world which names Morphsuits. His understanding of its form in terms of three founders’ backgrounds is how they basically start up this company and jacked up its revenue by more than hundred  times. To some certain extent, I feel the same way as him importantly because it’s new but it’s cool, at least currently.

Shape of things to come: revellers cover up in a selection of morphsuits at the T in the Park festival in Kinross. Photograph: Ross Gilmore for the Observer

The general concept of this kind of weird dress fits almost everyone, either skinny or full of fat. Therefore, it’s built for everyone in the world that who wants to show it off without facial communication. Furthermore, it’s used not only for Halloween custom but also anywhere for any purpose. It’s convenient as well in contrast with other strange dresses which may get people’s attention off. And also, retailers (or suppliers) can actually redesign it with different colours and various roles by simply changing the colour. For example, as what I experience through the past several months, I’ve seen  a big number of people dressed in the same way but different faces.

The founders offered this creative production worldwide, afterwards, people just got heat up and pumped up while dressing this. It’s undeniable that Moprphsuits induced a revolutionary clothing storm and it has been leading this by itself, so far.

References: Mail Online   Real Business    the guardian|TheObserver


Reply to “How social media can be used by social enterprises”

Based on Canada Business Network‘s business blog post ” How social media can be used by social enterprises“, I have a few personal point of views toward it. 

Briefly speaking, social enterprises strive to have the environmental, cultural and friendly social effect on the whole society in terms of different business models. In the meanwhile, social media heads to achieve social cohesiveness by conveying messages to each individual. The main propose of this post emphasizes the relatedness between social enterprise and social media, which can essentially   have a win-win effect reflecting to the business perspective.

By cooperating with social media, enterprises would have more chances of withdrawing public attention. Despite this, corporations could take the chance over to hunt potential partners and financial contributors as well. Surviving in a competitive market is not easy as surviving yourself, it doesn’t only need to sustainable but also needs to be consistent and such things that could have the company a better off future. Thus, in order to be able standing longer, firms necessarily should consider the cooperation with social medias in case that they won’t be switched out by others.

Concluding points above, it’s not biased that every single enterprise should work on their publicity on account of their obligation. Wanting to be leading a industry? Better off  grasping media’s eyes at the first move( most considerably), then to think of how to make consumers happy.


References: Canada Business Network    Forbes    Entrepreneur 


Reply to ” What? Urinsane.”

Respond to Khaled Shawwash’s blog post, ” What? Urinsane.”

There is a new research that discovered urinating into robots can make them work. Or we can say, robots would seem run by human’s pee in the future. Although we live in the century which recognizes tech improvement as the only consistence, people are ill-prepared for this big jump yet.

Shawwash thinks this (or in the future) ecosystem will hardly move forward simply because our environment can’t adjust this new functioning yet; or, on other word, can’t fit it in. It could a successful replacement of part of our labour nowadays that employers wouldn’t have to hire workers by a large cost because we only need to active our automated machines and reward them by our pee. I firmly agree with Shawwash at this point, that this is ridiculous. In this case, he had a suggestion basically goes as hiring people working aside of the robots, and then people would be saving much more time with better efficiency due to the effort of robots.         

(Marcus du Sautoy with one of Luc Steels’s language-making robots. Photograph: Jodie Adams/BBC)

Personally, firstly I think the goal that getting robots involved our lives takes a long period of time to achieve. Secondly I assume the majority of population wouldn’t want to take the chance of working with( or hiring) robots. Both of my assumptions are based on the fact that robots lack of thoughts. They might have been intellectually assigned skills, they still have no brain. At this point, I support Shawwash’s general opinion of this revolution.

References: Khaled Shawwash’s blog page     Natural News       the guardian|TheObserve 



World closed the door of BlackBerry


With the latest International Data Corporation (IDC) shown, global market share of BlackBerry smartphones plunged in the third quarter to just 1.7 percent, which is dropped by 40 percent comparing to the same time last year. It’s definitely a serious challenge for the BlackBerry’s leadership and the company itself as a whole. There is no doubt that both Apple and Android are moving forward while dragging off BlackBerry to the end of the edge. Likely, the smartphone market has already closed the gate for BlackBerry even it had a good kickoff at the very beginning of entering the cellphone industry. On the other way speaking of this, the opportunity of reverse its underperformance worldwide is already impossible.

( AndroidPIT )

Through the past years, BlackBerry’s annual revenue has been showing in red, which somehow indicated that it’s hard for itself to fit in the main marketing trend anymore with the stereotype mobile style. Regardless of the blooming development of Apple and Samsung, BlackBerry may start to think of new product’s design in the future procedures. Keep it simple, as an previous automobile giant, it has no future if it has no creativity putting on its products.

To sum up, in order to be financially independent, the top management of BlackBerry necessarily needs be self aware then move forward by coming out with strategic forecast in terms of recent marketing trends.

References: BNN   Apple Insider    AndroidPIT


Bitcoin, coin’s new beat

With the rapid growth of world, more and more trendy products are cohesively generated by wise human. Some of them succeed in the relevant markets and have been playing a controlling role at the top of the mountain. Through the last several years, I’d like to say that Bitcoin did this, it has successfully grasped everyone’s eyes essentially because it’s a revolutionary product and it creates value.

As the new trading platform, bitcoin remodelled people’s general notion of money and their functioning. It doesn’t only consolidate the virtual tradeoff, but also involves people’s perspective of burgeoning coin market across the world. Additionally, we are in 21st century, the era involving networking and tradeoff at every single corner of the world.

However, bitcoin is still on the tipping point. People may have been used to live with bills, coins and cards, which can be visually seen during the trading. In contrast, bitcoin only displays through webs and some transit stations in the reality. In spite of this, people still considerably hold the view of that bitcoin will somehow devalue and never be on stream.

Reference: Not Quite Noahpinion    BNN    PIQUE    GIGAOM


Owning the sustainable eyes, owning the market

IKEA, the most competitive furniture supplier across the world, joined the ranks of wind-energy developers in Alberta. In other word, It’s driving itself considerably to a new sustainable road by manufacturing low-carbon products with renewable energy, which is regarded as win-win-win strategy by the retailer’s Canadian president (BNN BusinessNewsNetwork).

In contrast to most of the furnishing companies so far, IKEA is supposed to be the vanguard of using renewable energy. Most significant point of implementing this approach to catch up the world’s trend is that moving one step ahead of the others will substantially help IKEA withdraw better reputation . Once renewable energy fully dominates IKEA’s producing chain, it’ll be a super competitive furniture seller around the whole world since making profit with low cost and a few environmental factors.

In terms of how companies consider respect to the low-carbon product, apparently most of them still hold the view of resistance. Due to the scarcity of renewable energy, sellers have less willingness of paying for this kind of unfamiliar energy. The retailers’  main thoughts of improving their companies’ scale are still based on the foundation of how much profit they make and how much they cost. Thus, as IKEA stepped out, I’d assume there are more coming. Regardless of the current company competence, more followers of using renewable energy would stop by in order to produce more with less material by entering the long-run business market. It’s actually more profitable if a furniture company thinks of this revolutionary way.

Thus, if a company owns a pair of sustainable eye, they actually already own the market.

References: BNN  Perbina.Org  Financial Post


The construction of the electric motor station

Electric automobiles launched couple of years ago, but they were hard to reach out in the huge vehicle market. However, today, the electric cars are like a storm, attcks every corner in the world, and tell people that they are the revolution.

TSLA has already started thinking of building up the electric motors’ station in order to fulfil those electric cars’ users just like the regular driver, which is about letting them spot the pumping-up place anywhere. Setting the recharge electric station down to satisfy those people that who may lose their power during driving on the way. Therefore, it significantly makes ” electric drivers ” feel more comfortable just as people can charge for their cell phones and laptops all over the world.

People may think it’s not worthy because the amount of electric automobile drives is still extremely tiny comparing to the gasoline users. Whereas, what if electric motors developed as the second biggest industry, certainly the amount of consumers will get rapidly increased with no doubt. Thus, I supposed that the automobile market should give more chances to this new thriving industry because it has a huge potential to become the mainstream in the future.

Reference: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-10-07/recargo-app-maps-20-000-electric-car-charging-stations-in-the-u-dot-s-dot-and-canada#r=tec-ls

Published by: Bo Yuan Wang


Purchasing a fancy space in the airline?

The market of airline nowadays is worldwide, which does not only mean more and more air-transportation are exceed demanded but also it indicates that more comfortable space is wanted. Thus, in order to satisfy people’s unlimited desire of comfort, Delta started to provide unsold seat paid by customers with extra charge of money.

According to the referenced article, it says for the rationalized airline industries these days, the efficient way of surviving is to remove some of the seats in order to sort of maximize the value of a plane’s real estate. In the past, airlines used to discount the empty seat in case that they wont lose very much benefit. On the contrary, the trend currently is to get those empty seats sold. On one hand, they can build a long stand reputation because consumers may enjoy much more than ever in the planes. On the other hand, there is no doubt that this is profitable marketing strategy.

However considering the passenger load, it might not be that ideal. With paying extra amount of money for getting fancier space while being either travelling or business trip, the people who can afford extra price based on the economic class is supposed to be able to pay for the higher class in a airline. Although it’s reasonable to make this kind of deal with passengers, the risk that Delta is taking is the fall of the numbers of customers gradually.

Therefore, in terms of what article mentions, I suppose what Delta has been doing these days is a smart move. We may not see the financial effect of this implement as much soon as we expected but it’s definitely remarkably helpful for the long term development of this airline firm.

Reference: http://business.time.com/2013/10/07/6-outrageous-fees-the-airlines-havent-though-of-yet/

Bruce Bennett / Getty Images


Published by: Bo Yuan Wang


Does creativity matter more than money in a technological company?

As Steve Jobs, a epic giant who had ever stand on the top of the tech mountain, died two years ago and new CEO of Apple.Inc came into public’s eyesight, people started thinking of the capacity of this new controller of the biggest technology cooperation in the world. Within this two-year, Samsung.Inc and some other smartphone giants have relatively generated many threats that Apple might have been facing. Although Apple still remains its no.1 position in the technology market, it still needs to consider the future strategy in order to confront the barriers set by other companies.

There is recently a debate about if iphone 5S is roughly worth 700 dollars because the only feature that differs from iPhone 5 is the finger print distinctiveness system. In the past, as the heart of Apple.Inc, Steve Jobs gave people surprises and amazements all because the new generation of iPhone were always completed redesigned comparing to the previous generation. New add-ups, more available apps, different updated system versions, more cautious appearance, etc. After all listed iPhone things released to public, there was no doubt that all consumers’ attention were fully grabbed. In spite of these, iTunes also can be regarded as the most successful online store through all smartphone markets. Steve Jobs put his fully passion into Apple products’ proposition, which greatly improved Apple’s image as a whole.

However, the new CEO mainly respect to stock trading price and regard the biggest market as China, which sort of indicates that Apple is getting greedy of earning money. In this case, although we shouldn’t judge how a CEO does for the company’s development, we should critically think of the proposition of this product, which is all about being creative.

Thus, does creativity matter more than money in a technological company? The best-worked bias was that Apple should start focusing on the process of generating more profit. Speaking of this on the other hand, it’s suggested the leadership of Apple should make more profitable deals. Personally, I would like to say being creative and trendy are much more significant of running a technology organization. Because of the evolutional idea people has never had, because of the furious theme of a smartphone and also because of the attractive design of every single product, Apple were way to better off. Therefore, I personally think creativity is definitely much more essential for a technological company.



Two Years After Steve Jobs’ Death, Is Apple a Different Company?

Published by: Bo Yuan Wang


Business’s Spouse: Business Ethics

People are moving forward with the booming developed economy and the progressively expanded manufactures, and so are some other positive developments. Relatively, to a certain extent, building the industrial giants throughout the world forces mankind live under the expected environment level and every single individual has to be the victim of the world’s property, which is unfair. For example, Enbridge Inc, which has the longest crude oil and liquids transportation system in North America, benefited the economy growth of Canada as a whole. However, it permanently wrecked the coastal environment of Alberta.

According to the brief statement of how does itself enhance the community life and sustainability, leadership announced that they not only weigh the society as responsibility but also they’ve helped with decreasing the unemployment rate of CA. Yes, to some extent, it’s cool business. However, considering the coastal habitat and population, it’s not ethical at all. Because the oil spill, the biggest harm behind all those benefits above, sort of endangers the coastal sustainability and energy-refilling. Once it’s called business, once it hurts, it cannot regarded as business anymore.

Therefore, on the way of constructing business empires, people who operate the cooperation should be more perceptively aware of business and social ethics. Earning the money, while, earning the reputation. So, basically speaking of this idea, I suppose that business and business ethics must be working together, as a whole.





Bo Yuan, Wang