Money Matters- But so does Planet Earth

Business is by definition unethical. And nowhere is this more evident than by the degree and velocity damage is being accumulating against our oceans. It has been found that our previous estimates of ocean life species may be off by a factor of 10, representing just how little we know about our oceans, which only accentuates the possibility that we are extremely underestimating how negatively affective pollution and other unethical practices are to the ocean, but also to the environment as a whole. Many people believe that businesses should focus on maximizing profits within the laws set by government, and forget about thinking ethical. It is wrong to think this. Businesses should be MORE conscious of the environment- way more than any individual should be, because their impact is astronomically greater than that of an individual. Government is moving at a snail’s pace to go green, and all regulations being imposed are pathetic as far as what needs to be done. By the time they do anything, businesses, among other causes, will have the world suffocating in sludge and smog. Why? Because the government too just wants money… we’re waiting for those who are indifferent to the environment’s well-being to take initiative to save it against their stronger will (which is to make money, in case you are unfamiliar with governments). They focus so much on money, putting money above everything else, when, in reality, it’s not even a real thing. Money is not tangible. Oceans are real. Forests are real. Money is not. Capitalism by its current definition is going to drive the world into hell faster than any amount of money will be able to reverse. Money is important in our world today, but not at the expense of our world. Anyone who thinks otherwise has unfortunately had their brain knocked right-side around.


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