Blog 6: Reflection

Marketing this year has been an enjoyable and engaging course, largely due to its smaller class size and consequently more conversation-orientated atmosphere. In-class activities such as the The-Price-Is-Right game, and group projects both made this course much more interactive and therefore a better learning experience overall. I have always, and still do, believe that doing things is superior to hearing how things are done, and though this course could have taken that a lot further, perhaps by making class activities that are relevant to the lesson the basis for most and not only a few classes, thus focusing less of studying the textbook word for word and instead learning how things actually apply (though they may be the same in essence, they are significantly different in practice), this class still took it further than any other course I had this semester did, and I appreciate it for that. Unlike last year’s groups I was in, I had a decent group to work with this year, and that made the group project much more enjoyable, as well as bearable. As far as the peer review videos go, I thought it was a so-so process- reviewing them anyway (as I don’t think the reviews are yet accessible to the recipients). It was at times painful to watch some videos for their entire duration, but I feel the feedback that groups receive may help some individuals improve in the future. All in all, I enjoyed the course, and wish more classes had a more conversation-type structure like it.

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