Category Archives: Unit 1

1:5 How Evil Came Into The World

Your task is to take the story about how evil comes into the world, the story King tells about the Witches’ convention in Chapter One of The Truth about Stories, and change it any way you want, except the ending. … Continue reading

Posted in Unit 1 | 4 Comments

1:2 The Impact of Social Media Tools and Hypertext

At the beginning of this lesson I pointed to the idea that technological advances in communication tools have been part of the impetus to rethink the divisive and hierarchical categorizing of literature and orality, and suggested that this is happening … Continue reading

Posted in Unit 1 | 7 Comments

Hello, It’s Me…Not Adele.

Hi, my name is Bryony-Rose Heathwood and as I write this I am wondering how many of you are sick of hearing “Hello, It’s Me” jokes or just Adele in general, but honestly I don’t care. She is Queen and … Continue reading

Posted in Unit 1 | 12 Comments