Teaching Philosophy

My Teaching Philosophy

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” -Albert Einstein

It took many years of self-reflection and discovery to determine who I was as a young professional and a human being, which has finally brought me where I am at today. It was a question as simple as “what am I passionate about,” that guided me to my true calling as an educator in the teaching profession. I have been granted with the opportunity to help guide students in a direction to positively impact their futures. My goal within my career is to live and breathe what I love doing. In the words of Steve Jobs, “the only way to do good work is to love what you do.” My love falls within impacting students in a greater aspect than within the classroom. I truly believe that teacher’s work magic within the classroom however, are not limited to within those four walls.


It is within my power as a Business Education teacher to incorporate relevancy within my lessons to allow my students to relate applicable information to the information that is facilitated. I strongly believe that a classroom with a focus in business should be modeled similarly to what my students will encounter when they exit their educational institution of choice whether that be their high school or post secondary institution.  I plan to incorporate hands on, tactical projects and case studies that represent genuine business simulations within the classroom and allow the students to experience what life will potentially be like outside of the classroom by exploring local corporations and businesses.


I will utilize a widest variety of methods of facilitation to extend the opportunity for all types of learners to grow by helping to provide an open and safer learning environment by teaching in multiple styles. This will cover and include; the prescribed learning outcomes, social-emotional development and cognitive maturity within my students. These methods in which we as a class will obtain these goals is by utilizing hands-on, audio and visual tactics to reach as many if not all of my students.


I strongly feel that Business Education can make a significant impact in a young student’s life and can positively contribute to his or her life at a professional level! It allows children to have a general understanding of how the world functions on the idea that it is a business and most institutions function on an extremely similar structure. My overall philosophy as a teacher is to incorporate engaging lessons that allow the students to learn relevant academic information to increase knowledge within the field of business and the development as young professionals