Asia Empire French Geography Religious Typology

The Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon (1877 – 1880) – Colonial Justification Through Religion

The Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon, constructed between 1877 and 18801, can be considered a garish example of French colonial architecture located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The religious structure, officially, the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of The Immaculate Conception was commissioned by Bishop Lefevre and designed by Jules Bourard.2 One will note […]

Asia British Empire Geography Public/government

The British Consulate: A Legacy of Power and Control

British Concession      The Former British Consulate-General Building in Shanghai, China is an example of colonial architecture that represented the Empire’s control over the city during Concession. As one of the first developed foreign buildings, it laid the foundation for other international investments and values, bringing their own architectural expressions along the Bund.1 The Opium […]

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