
Base Map – CanMap Route Logistics 2014 (DMTI Spatial)

  • This data set gave us a roads layer in line format as well as vegetation and wetlands layers in polygon format which we merged to create the Burns Bog extent. This also included rivers in a polygon layer which we used in our final maps for context.


Monthly Geodetic Water Table Elevation and Bog Surface Height – Sarah Howie (Corporation of Delta)

  • This data set was in the form of an excel document and contained data associated with sample sites across Burns Bog organised in separate data sheets. Each study site also had associated Northings and Eastings so that it could be converted to spatial data.


Digital Elevation Model – Data BC (2016)

  • This data set was used to model the transport of runoff into the bog.


Land Use – Baseline Thematic Mapping (Hectares BC, 2006)

  • This data set was used to determine how potentially damaging runoff could be, as associated with different land use types.