Post 0052

What Are You Really Looking for in a College?

Published 4th of July, 2022


When it comes time to choose a college, there are many factors to consider. But do you know what is really important to you when it comes to your choice of college? Many prospective college students get sidetracked by what they think should be important, instead of asking themselves to be honest about what they want.

Around 16 million people enroll in college each and every year in America. And the exact circumstances, life desires and educational needs of each of these students is likely to be a little bit different. So how do you know what is right for you when it comes to selecting a college? Here are some questions to ask yourself so you can work it out.

Are You A Big Fish Or A Small Fish?

Choosing whether you want a big school or a small school is something that depends on your personality. If you feel like you want to get lost in the crowd and not be noticed, then a big school could be for you. If you would prefer your professors to know your name and be able to give you more attention, then a smaller college is probably better. Some people like to thrive in a smaller environment, just like a big fish in a small pond. Others like to feel part of something bigger, and don't care if the feeling is a little anonymous at times, just like a small fish in a big pond. There's no right or wrong answer, it just depends how you know you feel at your best.

Is Prestige Important?

Some students choose their college based on the name and the reputation. They want to be able to say they went to Harvard, Yale or Princeton when they're older and in a successful career. And that's fine if that's what you're looking for from your college experience. But remember that these colleges aren't necessarily the best fit for everyone, and they're not always the right choice just because of their name. Consider what you want to get out of your college experience, and whether the school's reputation really matters to you. Or perhaps you want a middle ground, finding a college that has a good reputation for specific subjects. Looking up college rankings will help you with this question.

Does Location Matter?

This is a question that only you can answer. Some students prefer to stay close to home, so they can save money and still be close to their family and friends. Others want to get away from home and experience a new place. And there are many valid reasons for both choices. Some people simply want a well connected college town for reasons of convenience. If you're not sure which you would prefer, it might be worth considering spending a semester at a college close to home and then transferring to a college further away if you find that you want to try something different.

What Is Your Longer Term Goal?

Thinking about the major you want to progress on to can help you to decide which college is right for you. If you want to study something like medicine or law, then it's worth considering whether the college you're looking at has good links with graduate programs. Alternatively, if you're not sure what you want to do after college, then perhaps a liberal arts college would be a better fit. These colleges allow you to study a broad range of subjects, giving you time to figure out what it is you're really passionate about.

How Are You Paying For It?

The cost of college is a big factor for many students and their families when it comes time to making a decision. If you're lucky enough to have your college paid for, then you have more freedom in your choice. But if you're going to be taking out student loans, then it's worth considering whether the college you've got your heart set on is really worth the debt. If affordability is a key factor for you, then you might prioritize the tuition fees over location or prestige.

Do You Need Lots Of Buzz?

A big campus with plenty of activities and social opportunities might be a priority for some students. Others might prefer a more relaxed and low key environment. Consider how much social interaction you want to have as part of your college experience. If you're someone who likes to party, then perhaps a college in a big town or with lots of clubs would be ideal. But if you prefer to spend your free time studying or playing sports, then a smaller college might be better.

What Climate Do You Like?

It might sound like a low-priority criteria for choosing a college, but the climate can actually make a big difference to your experience. If you're someone who hates cold weather, then perhaps a college in California or Florida would be a better choice for you. But if you love the snow, then attending college in Vermont or Colorado might be more up your alley. Particularly if you enjoy certain sports, playing them in conditions that are too cold or too hot can take away your enjoyment of them. Considering how you like to feel in your day to day life is important!

Do You Want To Travel?

For many people, college can open doors to a world of travel and discovery they may not have had access to before. If you're interested in travel, you should look for colleges that have Study Abroad programs, student exchanges, or study trips to different regions. These opportunities can give you a taste of different cultures and help you to learn more about the world. If you're not interested in travel, then that's okay too, and you can refine your college search accordingly.