Post 0056

Why It is Important to be Honest When Writing a Resume

Published 6th of August, 2022


Why It is Important to be Honest When Writing a Resume

You have seen the perfect job advertised, it has great hours, great wages and fits perfectly around your other commitments, so you decide you are ready to apply. However, you are concerned about standing out from the crowd. You don’t want to lose your shot at this dream job. It may be tempting in this situation to bulk up your resume a little with a few embellishments here and there; however, this may not always be the best idea.

This article will explore some of the reasons you should always be honest when writing your resume, and how you can stand out from the crowd while being totally ethical.

Skillset Mismatch

While it can be tempting to accentuate the skills you have on your resume in order to get a job, once you actually have it, employers will often pick up on your shortcomings which you so confidently advertised on your resume.

You should never undersell yourself on your resume; after all, it is the only tool you have to capture your potential employer’s attention in those first stages. However, overselling yourself can lead to failure in the workplace if you are successful in securing the job. So, it’s best to be honest from the outset.

It is estimated that 40% of people lie on their resume, and three out of four employers have noticed a lie on a resume. This is not only embarrassing for you, but also creates a poor relationship with your employer moving forward.


It’s also important to note that your future employer will likely reach out to references on your resume. While many previous employers will simply give data like dates you worked for them, attendance statistics and a brief report, others will go into much more detail. The last thing you want is to exaggerate your previous responsibilities for your previous employer to state this wasn’t actually the case in your resume.

Standing Out While Being Honest

Don’t be afraid to sell yourself. Often people are not comfortable blowing their own trumpet, but this is your opportunity to stand out from the crowd, and if there is an area you feel you are particularly good at, then you shouldn’t be shy about coming forward in this.

Include activities outside of work that are relevant; for example, if you are applying for a role in a care home and you have spent time caring for your sick aunt, this shows dedication, empathy and initiative.

If you are struggling, you can hire a resume writing company to help you stand out. Many employers now advocate using these services and the best resume writing services will often even offer a free review of your current resume before you purchase their products.

Lying on your resume can lead to mistrust from your employer, damage to your reputation and even termination of your contract. While it’s technically not illegal to lie on your resume as it isn’t an official legal document, you should avoid this practice at all costs.