
The 3 Rules of Successful Crowdfunding

Published September 3rd 2023


If you've landed here, chances are you're looking to launch a crowdfunding campaign, or perhaps you're just curious about the world of crowdfunding. In recent years, crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular way for entrepreneurs, creators, and dreamers to raise funds for their projects, ventures, or causes. With the growing number of campaigns, it's essential to know the secret sauce that sets apart the successful ones from the rest.

In this article, we'll be sharing the three golden rules that will help you navigate the crowdfunding landscape with confidence and increase your chances of success. Whether you're working on a cutting-edge tech gadget, an indie film, or a community project, these tried-and-true principles will serve as your guiding light.

Telling a Compelling Story

You might be wondering, "What does storytelling have to do with crowdfunding?" In a sea of countless campaigns, a captivating story is what will make your project stand out and resonate with potential backers. Below, we break down how you can create an unforgettable narrative.

First and foremost, let your true self shine through. People are more likely to support a project when they feel connected to the person behind it. Share your passion, your dreams, and your journey so far. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable, as it's what makes you human and relatable.

Be sure to make it crystal clear why your project matters. Explain the issue you're addressing or the niche you're targeting, and highlight how your idea brings something unique to the table. Show your potential backers the impact your project could have on their lives or the world at large.

As you prepare your pitch, always highlight the people behind the project: Introduce your team and showcase their skills, experience, and dedication. This not only humanizes your project but also instills confidence in your potential backers that you have the right people on board to see it through.

It's also important to use visuals to support your story. Utilize images, videos, and other visual elements to convey your story in an engaging and impactful way. This will help your audience to envision the final product and better understand your vision. Now, let's look at a couple of successful crowdfunding campaigns that nailed their storytelling game:

    1. The Pebble Time smartwatch: This Kickstarter campaign raised over $20 million thanks in part to its relatable story. The team shared their journey of designing the watch, the challenges they faced, and how their product could change the way we interact with technology.
    2. The Veronica Mars Movie Project: Fans of the cult TV show were thrilled when its creator, Rob Thomas, took to Kickstarter to fund a feature film. He shared a heartfelt story about his passion for the project and the opportunity to give the show's characters a proper send-off, resonating with fans who collectively contributed $5.7 million.

Remember, the power of a compelling story cannot be underestimated in the world of crowdfunding. By following these guidelines, you'll be well on your way to crafting a narrative that will capture hearts, minds, and wallets.

Using Loans to Jumpstart Activity

Now that we've talked about the importance of storytelling, let's move on to an unconventional but highly effective strategy: using loans to jumpstart your crowdfunding campaign. You might be wondering, "Why would I want to take out a loan for a crowdfunding campaign?" The answer lies in creating that all-important initial momentum, demonstrating your commitment to the project, and attracting early backers.

Creating initial momentum is important, as crowdfunding campaigns can benefit from a strong push at the beginning. By injecting some funds into your campaign from the get-go, you can create a sense of excitement and urgency that encourages others to jump on board. You can use a loan service like My Canada Payday, and then pay back the loan with the funds raised at the end of a successful crowdfunding campaign

Demonstrating commitment and confidence in the project is vital as well. Taking out a loan to fund your campaign shows potential backers that you're putting your own skin in the game. This can instill confidence in your project and prove to them that you truly believe in what you're trying to achieve.

Attracting early backers is one of the most important aspects of any crowdfunding campaign. Securing initial funding can help attract more backers, as people are generally more inclined to support projects that already have some financial backing. This can create a snowball effect, increasing the chances of reaching your funding goal.