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5 Exhilarating Couples Activities That Take Your Relationship to the Next Level

Published October 4th 2022


Romantic relationships can be emotionally, physically, and mentally rewarding. Spending quality time together is essential while getting to know each other and while deepening your relationship. You may be used to the occasional picnic in the park or night out on the town, but sharing new experiences is also a must.

You should also share experiences that excite both of you. Plan something that you both can look forward to doing and let the anticipation build as the date of the event gets closer. Fortunately, the two of you can decide as a couple what exciting things you want to do or try. You don't have to try something you don't want to do. Everything is not for everyone.

As long as it's something you both are interested in and want to try, sharing the experience can take your relationship to another level. Here are five exciting activities you can do as a couple to get you started on a closer walk together.

Go Ziplining Together

Think about the last time you were scared but also really excited about something. You probably remember the feel of your heart racing in your chest and the sweat running down the back of your neck. But you could also feel the rush of excitement at trying something new or adventurous. When you talk about this kind of experience, you usually remember it clearly. You never forget how the experience made you feel.

Imagine how it would be to share that experience with the person you love. Ziplining can be just the thing to give you that rush of excitement. If one or both of you have already ziplined in the past, it's okay. You can enhance the experience by going to a new city together, jumping on a zipline, and then discussing how amazing it was over dinner and wine.

Workout Together

The only thing better than working on your body and improving your health is having a partner by your side. There are a lot of benefits to maintaining an active lifestyle. It improves your mental, physical, and emotional health. Imagine what this can do for your relationship. Aside from the benefits you already experience from working out alone, you also benefit from seeing your partner improve their health.

When you work out as a couple you hold each other accountable and boost motivation. It's also a great way to spend quality time together and take advantage of that euphoric feeling afterward. Combine those post-exercise endorphins with good conversation and a back rub, and the two of you will experience a level of closeness you haven't felt before.

Couples Photography

It's hard to describe how you feel when you love someone. Sometimes you just can't find the right way to explain it. But a picture is worth a thousand words. When you're in a deep and meaningful relationship, a couples photo shoot is a great activity that can solidify your commitment. But it's more exciting than exchanging house keys or listing each other as an emergency contact.

Couples photography will help you and your partner experience each other differently. The two of you can make art together and create a memento of your relationship that you love. You can also make memories filled with fun and excitement as you plan your wardrobe, setting, and poses with your photographer. The overall experience will give you something to talk about, and look at, for years to come.

Get Couples Tattoos

Tattoos usually represent something important to you, or a person or thing you want to remember. Although they are not as taboo as they used to be, tattoos can still give the impression that you are daring or free-spirited. It can be very exhilarating to do something daring as a couple.

You don't have to get tattoos of each other's names if that's not your thing. But the experience of going together and knowing the personal story behind your partner's tattoo can be very satisfying. Some couples even choose to tattoo their wedding rings on their fingers! That's definitely an experience you will never forget.

Go on a Couples Hike

There's nothing like sitting at the foot of a waterfall and having lunch with your favorite person. But do you know what's even better? You have to get to the waterfall and the two of you can share the hiking experience together. Hiking can give you that hit of endorphins, like working out together, but with beautiful views and perfect photo ops.

You also benefit from working together to navigate complex trails, strategize, and plan the hike. You should be sure to choose a hiking trail that is comfortable for both of you if you have different fitness levels. Also, make sure you are hiking to something exciting like a waterfall or a clearing with a view of an amazing sunset. You will love the closeness you feel from "conquering the woods" together.

Final Thoughts

Deep and meaningful relationships are essential in a fulfilling life. Your relationship with the person you love is one that you choose. As close as you are, it's possible to experience each other on a deeper level. Some couples' activities can build a stronger bond and more intimate connection. These activities can also add excitement to a relationship while proving your commitment.

You can plan a hike, workout, or couples photography session to spend quality time with your partner. You could also face your fears together by going ziplining or getting a tattoo. Any or all of these activities can keep you both interested, engaged, and smiling while you do life together.