How To Start a Business
Published January 18, 2021
In this article I'm going to bust a few myths about starting a business, and hopefully convince you to get moving. Let's jump right into it:
1. You Don't Have to Be an Expert
You don't need to be an expert to start a business. You don't even have to be very good. Let's say, for example, you become a barber. That's a business that's been around a long time - people have been cutting hair since before Jesus walked the earth. Hair cutting is not a new concept. You don't even have to be particularly good at it.
There's no reason why you can't start your own barber shop. You don't have to have any experience. You could just start by offering a discount, and you'll still make money.
You can get away with being bad at something, because people will still come to you. Just make sure you have something that people want to buy. If you're a bad barber, and people come to you, then you just made a great business.
2. You Don't Have to Work Hard
Contrary to popular belief, you don't always have to work hard starting a business. You can start a business and not work as hard as you think. If you're a plumber, you're going to have to work a lot. But if you're a car salesman, you can start your business and not work as much as you think.
As a car salesman, you can put in a few hours. You can have a five-minute meeting with a customer. You can spend an hour with them. You can sell them a car. You can collect the money. You can go home. You can be done for the day.
You don't have to work a lot. If you think you have to work a lot to start a business, then you might not want to start a business. You don't have to work a lot, it's just the way you think. You can start a business and not work a lot, I've seen it many times.
3. You Don't Have to Have the Perfect Idea
You don't have to have a perfect idea for a business to start a business. I would say that one thing is that you have to have a product or a service that you think people want. Don't think that you have to have the greatest idea in the world, because you don't.
For example, you could have a dog walking service. You could take your dog for a walk every day. You can go around to people's houses, and they'll pay you money. It's a good idea, but it's not a perfect idea. It doesn't matter how good or bad your idea is. Just pick something that you think people want, and start your business.
4. You Don't Have to Be Smart
You don't have to be smart to start a business. If you think you have to be smart to start a business, then you might not want to start a business. Don't think that you have to be a genius to start a business.
Just start, and see what happens. You don't have to know everything. You don't have to be perfect. You don't have to be an expert. Just start!
5. You Don't Have to Finance the Business
You don't have to finance the business. You don't have to buy a lot of stuff to start a business. You don't have to hire employees. You don't have to have a building or a lot of money. You don't have to do all this stuff to start a simple business.
You can start a business for less than $100. Just get moving.
If you're reading this, I recommend you get started right now. Right now, do something. Just start something. Don't think that you have to have a lot of money. Don't think that you have to be smart. Don't think that you have to be perfect. Don't think that you have to have an idea that's perfect. Just start something, and see what happens.