Post 0016

Improve Your Business Sense Through Playing Games

Published 3rd November, 2021

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What are the most important characteristics of a successful business person? Ambition has got to be up there, and grit too. You need determination, resilience, and hard work. Some people might say a positive attitude is important, but you also need to be realistic and know when to cut your losses. And, of course, financial acumen is desirable.

But underlying all of this, is the capacity for logic and critical thinking. If you're not mentally sharp, then you're at a disadvantage. This doesn't mean you have to be the best mathematician, or have a PhD in neurology. You might not score highest on a general knowledge quiz. But you need to be rational and have a well-trained brain.

And a great way to work at this, which has the added advantage of being enjoyable and perhaps even addictive, is through playing games. Think about how kids learn, through play. And think about the shrewdest kids, who win most often; they have a natural tendency to figure out the rules and—in the nicest possible way—game the system to their own advantage.

Playing games is fun, but it's not just for kids, so which are the best mental workouts to sharpen you up?

Card Games

A great aspect of card games is the variety, and a good first step would be to familiarize yourself with the Phase 10 rules. If you're familiar with Uno, then you'll already be well on your way, although Phase 10 changes things around a little.

Other famous card games, such as poker and bridge, require a combination of memory, mental arithmetic, and a keen reading of human psychology. Strategy is essential, as you must know when to play the long game, and when to go all in. And you have to work the rules, and the other players, to your own advantage.

Does this sound like it has parallels in business? It should do, because there are many similarities. But even regardless of the business reflections, card games are an excellent mental workout.

Crossword Puzzles and Sudoku

For the more literary minded, and those who have an expansive vocabulary, crossword puzzles are an obvious choice. And for those who are more mathematically gifted and proficient with numbers, there's sudoku.

However, it's also worth switching those around and working on your weaknesses. If crossword puzzles are a walk in the park for you, but you hate math, then take on the challenge of a sudoku puzzle. And vice versa. Do you find yourself relying on a thesaurus if you have to do any writing? Then build your vocabulary by doing crossword puzzles regularly.

And regardless of whether you're better at math or literature, both types of puzzle—crosswords and sudoku—will get your brain active and engaged, and power up your problem solving abilities. And what is business, if not a series of puzzles to be solved?

Computer Games

This is a wide category, as there many types of game, but even those that are action based involve problem solving. However, there are some that lean toward the cerebral more than others, and many can also help you to relax.

The two best genres of computer game if you're looking to stimulate your mind more than your physical reactions (although the two are interlinked) are RPGs and simulation games.

RPGs have intricate stories, and require you to take a holistic view while working towards set goals. They usually involve social interaction, and reward communication skills and team building, while featuring complex puzzle-solving sections.

Simulations can be highly complex, requiring you to take on board a vast range of metrics as you complete tasks within tasks, towards an ultimate goal such as, for example, building and overseeing a well-functioning city.

You might also want to look into military games, and some sports games, which can both (especially the former) need you to hone your strategic abilities, long-term planning, and capacity to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, and all in an explicitly adversarial environment.


The final item on our list is a true heavyweight: chess. In fact, this game carries such status and history, that it can be a little intimidating at first. It's certainly one of the most complex and deep-thinking games, requiring memory, logic, and foresight.

A sometimes overlooked aspect of chess proficiency is the importance of creativity. You must be able to improvise on the spot, and change your approach when required. Ultimately though, chess is another problem solving exercise that improves your mental acuity, and that's exactly what we're looking for.

If you decide to take up chess, then try to find someone who'll teach you as you go along, or someone who is at the same level as you, so that you can test yourselves against each other.

Of course, the aim here is not to become a chess grandmaster, or take first prize on a poker tour. Just by participating in these games regularly, you'll gain significant personal benefits, and become a more effective performer in the business arena.