Post 0049

The Human Skills You'll Need at College: How to Get a Head Start

Published 25th of May, 2022


In order to be successful in college, you will need a variety of human skills. These skills, also known as soft skills or emotional intelligence quotient (EQ), include the ability to communicate effectively, work well with others, and manage your emotions. Here's a closer look at the human skills you'll need at college, and tips on how to start practicing them now.

While you can't necessarily practice human skills in the same way that you would practice for a math test or a science project, there are still things you can do to get a head start on mastering them!

Your emotional intelligence quotient, or EQ, is a measure of your ability to understand and manage emotions. It's important to have a high EQ because it can help you in many different areas of life, including college. Your EQ is often described as human skills or soft skills, because these skills don't necessarily relate to academic knowledge. Instead, they are the crucial 'extra' factors you need in order to do well, whether in college, the workplace, or your life in general. Employers are increasingly aware of the value of having employees with good human skills, so practicing them now is only going to help.

Here are some of the key human skills you need for college and beyond, and how you can practice them.


One of the most important human skills is communication. This includes both verbal and written communication, as well as active listening. You can start practicing your communication skills by joining a club or team, participating in class discussion, and working on your technique for writing papers and essays. You could find an essay writer to help you figure out where you need to improve, or set yourself tasks such as listening to a news story and discussing the different viewpoints on it.


Another essential human skill is teamwork. In college, you'll be working with other students on projects, in group discussions, and maybe even in study groups. You can start practicing your teamwork skills now by joining a club or team, working on group projects with classmates, and volunteering for community service initiatives. Joining a sports team, even a non-competitive one, can be a good way to learn how to function as part of a team. Even if it doesn't come naturally to you to start with, practicing a bit of give and take in a team environment can be really helpful.

Managing Emotions

Being able to manage your emotions is about being able to understand and control your own emotions, as well as being sensitive to the emotions of others. This is a really important human skill because it can help you in all sorts of situations, from managing stress and anxiety, to dealing with difficult people. You can start practicing your emotional management skills by keeping a journal, meditating or doing yoga, and learning some basic techniques for managing stress. You could also try to be more aware of your emotions throughout the day, and how they affect your thoughts and behavior.

Problem Solving

Problem solving is another essential human skill. In college, you'll need to be able to solve problems quickly and effectively, both on your own and as part of a team. You can start practicing your problem solving skills now by working on puzzles and brainteasers, brainstorming solutions to hypothetical problems, and trying to come up with innovative solutions to real-world problems. You could also join a club or team that focuses on problem solving, such as a debate team or a math club. As a college student, you'll also need to apply some problem solving skills to the practical elements of life, such as figuring out how to get internet connection in your student apartment, or investigating where a water leak is coming from. Try to become more aware of the day-to-day world around you to start figuring out what you would do in certain situations.

Time Management

One of the most important human skills you'll need in college is time management. This includes being able to plan and organize your time effectively, as well as being able to prioritize tasks. You can start practicing your time management skills now by keeping a diary or planner, and using it to track your commitments and deadlines. You could also try setting yourself some goals to achieve, breaking them down into smaller tasks that you can complete over time. As a college student, you'll need to be especially good at time management in order to balance your studies with your social life. Try to find a system that works for you, and stick to it as much as possible.


Being committed to your studies, your extracurricular activities, and your personal goals is an essential human skill. In college, you'll need to be able to commit to attending classes and completing assignments, as well as committing to being involved in clubs and organizations. You can start practicing your commitment skills now by setting yourself some goals and sticking to them, even when it's tough. This could be something as simple as committing to going for a run every day, or as complex as committing to getting straight As in all your classes. Whatever you choose, make sure you stick to it and don't give up when things get tough. Commitment is even about sticking to what you say you'll do for friends or family members. Make a conscious effort to keep any promises you make to your loved ones to help with this.