Farewell Ceremony & Private Harbour Cruise

This week was a bit bittersweet for all. Grade 7 students were sad to leave their elementary school but at the same time excited to start a new journey as high school students.

On Monday we had a farewell ceremony for Grade 7 students at Begbie Elementary. They all looked fabulous in their smart casual outfits.  A lot of parents came to support their children, as well as teachers and members of the administration. Younger students also gathered to say goodbye to their schoolmates. There was something intriguing and special about that moment.

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Begbie Talent Show

This week we were helping with a talent show. On Monday and Tuesday, we met with a student council and went over expectations and duties. Some of the students were responsible for music, others were emcees and the others took care of the decorations. I had to help individual students adapt the scrip, as there were some changes, and download music for the performances.

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Begbie Outdoor Education: Camp Sasamat

My Community Field Experience

I have always been interested in an outdoor education and nature-related learning practices. The idea of being able to enjoy nature and teach students at the same time was very appealing to me. Needless to say, that was one of the reasons Begbie Outdoor Education was my first choice for my Community Field Experience as part of my UBC BEd program. I had no idea what to expect, but I knew I would have to challenge myself and step out of my comfort zone, and of course, learn something new.

All UBC students met their community field sponsors ahead of time to introduce themselves and go over expectations and duties. I was privileged and beyond excited to find out that I would be working alongside two other teacher candidates from UBC as well as two teachers from Sir Matthew Begbie Elementary school in Vancouver and their two grade 6/7 classes. I felt welcomed and accepted the moment I met my community field sponsors and they reassured us that we would have an amazing time together and learn a lot from each other.

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