The Wonders of Viral Marketing

The best way to describe viral marketing is by comparing it to an everyday task. And for most of us, I assume cooking is on the list.  In average, most of us human beings will consume between 2 to 5 meals a day, and I guess by now you see where I’m heading with this… We will spend a tremendous amount of our “oh-so-valued” time in the kitchen! Now ask yourself, why not make the best out of that time? Why settle for a macaroni-and-cheese-with-a-can-of-coke diet, when the culinary experience could be so much more? Why not learn to cook new exotic dishes and discover new spices, instead of sticking to the same – unhealthy – variety?

Well these same rhetorical questions apply to marketing. As a matter of fact, the analogy between cooking and marketing can be overly simplified to two activities that are time consuming and fulfil a goal. While the first one nourishes, the second one promotes. And just like cooking, marketing can be done in a variety of ways.  Taking the comparison a step further, I would say most regular ads and infomercials are the macaroni and cheese of advertisements, they are lousy at promoting and probably were no fun to make. While on the other hand, viral marketing campaigns are usually quite exciting and enjoyable to watch. And just like cooking, I’m sure they are extremely satisfying and fun to produce.

Please enjoy the following video!

Europ Assistance Italia Submarine Campaign

To promote they new LifePark Protection store, Europ Assistance Italia faked the surfacing of a submarine in the middle of Milan. With actors disguised as firemen and marines exiting the submarine in chock, the scenery  was worthy of a Peter Jackson movie. Which brings us to our conclusion,  quality cooking, just like viral marketing, are win-win approaches. The creation processes gets more enjoyable and the receiving side – wether it be you or others – also get to enjoy it more!

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