About Me

Hi there, my name is Brian Wong and I am in my first year of the Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) program at UBC. I have already completed my first degree with UBC, where I obtained my Bachelor of Science. I majored in Integrated Sciences where I completed an interdisciplinary program in the fields of physiology, nutrition, and immunology. Previously, I was very interested in becoming a physician and considered becoming a surgeon as my occupation. However, after COVID in 2020 and words of encouragement from a doctor I volunteered with, I am currently pursuing a computer science degree in order to combine my life science background with knowledge from my current BCS program to eventually start a healthcare technology company in Vancouver. 

During my first year of the BCS program, I have attended three hackathons, created three projects including a personal website linked here: http://bwon.ca, and maintained an overall average of 3.7/4.0 GPA. Currently, I am working through a Udemy course on Front-End Development in addition to a Data Structure & Algorithm course on Neetcode that will support my goal of becoming a Full Stack Developer and eventually, a founder of a healthcare technology company. I look forward to the next year where I hopefully will intern for a tech company for the first time!