Best Work

This page contains samples of my best work in ENGL 301 that have been revised to demonstrate the writing skills I have obtained during my time in this course.


 Revised Definition Assignment

The Revised Definition assignment was one of the first assignments in the ENGL 301 course and it demonstrated that a single term could be explained through various methods. Through this assignment, I became familiar with different definitions of a single term such as parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions of the term, “Magnetic Resonance Imaging” aka MRI.


Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

The Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment was the first occurrence of the peer review process in this course. The assignment provided the opportunity to critically read and analyze the work of a peer and while allowing for feedback to be given. From this assignment, I gained a deeper insight into the strengths and weaknesses of my writing and I was able to identify areas where my peer and I differed regarding writing style, which allowed me to incorporate the differences into my writing and grow as a writer.


Revised Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

The Revised Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys were important milestones in the ENGL 301 course, in my opinion. Composing a formal report is a difficult and complicated process involving multiple steps such as creating a proposal, waiting for approval, and then finally executing on the proposal and creating a report that analyzes the collected data and provides recommendations. The Revised Formal Report Proposal was a part of the formal report creation process and allowed me to obtain a clear idea of what is needed before fully committing to the final report. The Progress Report with Surveys kept me organized and ensured that I was aware of incoming deadlines and to act accordingly. The Progress Report with Surveys helped me immensely to keep track of time and identified what tasks were needed to be done. Overall, both assignments were key to composing a formal report of high quality.


Revised Proposal Memo

The Revised Proposal Memo was the second memo to be written in the ENGL 301 course. It served as a brief overview of the incoming formal report that was to be finished at the end of the term. This memo was a wonderful tool to summarize the formal report proposal and allowed for concise communication with my professor. Overall, the Revised Proposal Memo was an informative assignment as it provided an opportunity to simulate professional communication within a company.


Revised LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

The Revised LinkedIn Best Practices Memo was the third memo to be written in the ENGL 301 course. It was an very informative assignment as it provided the opportunity to conduct research on the popular networking platform, LinkedIn, and prepare a summary of the best practices that would increase effectiveness when using the platform. I found this assignment to be very successful as I learned many new things about the platform that I previously did not. For example, I was not aware that enabling creator mode allowed for more tools and options that would not otherwise be present. Overall, the LinkedIn Best Practices Memo was a wonderful assignment and I learned many new things about the LinkedIn platform as a whole.


Revised Memo to Evan Crisp

The Revised Memo to Evan Script was the fifth memo to be written in the ENGL 301 course and it involved the Writing with You Attitude. This assignment was an insightful introduction to the concept of Writing with You, an idea of placing your reader as the core focus of the message. I learned a lot from this assignment as it demonstrated that by changing the tone, delivery, and vocabulary, it may greatly increase one’s changes of receiving a response, either from a professor or an employer.


Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report

The Revised Peer Review of a Formal Report was one of the last assignments of ENGL 301 and the last peer review for this course. This assignment allowed me to peer-review my peer’s formal report draft and provide feedback regarding areas where I believe could be improved upon. Furthermore, reviewing the work of my peer allowed me to identify areas of my report that were not done as well as my peer, and therefore areas that I could improve upon before my final submission. Overall, this assignment allowed me to improve my writing ability by identifying the strengths and weakness of my peer’s report, and by extension, my own report.