
Personal Website:

Designed using HTML and deployed through Firebase hosting, my personal website serves as a portfolio which showcases the projects I have done so far. It also highlights my technical skills, contains my resume, and my socials such as GitHub, LinkedIn, and email address. In the future, I hope to re-design my website through the React framework to improve my overall understanding of React.


Equal Writes

Implicit biases in language and writing results in unequal opportunities in hiring. From job listings to recommendation letters, these biases have been shown to impact hiring decision. Gendered words, racialized terms, and ableist language contribute to sustained inequality. Studies show that gendered/racialized wording in job postings lead to fewer female and minority applicants. They also show that recommendation letters with “feminine” words imply a less qualified applicant in the eyes of recruiters. These biases reinforce workplace inequality, placing female and marginalized applicants at an disadvantage in the job market.



Canadian University Admittance

As a previous high school student anxious about university applications, I was overwhelmed with the amount of research I had to do in order to learn more about the available university options available to me. At the time, it was very difficult to compile the amount of information into a useable form. Therefore, for my course project, I designed and developed software in Java that allows users to calculate grades based on user-inputted work lists, courses, assignments, and grades. I researched over 15 different Canadian universities and 75 programs to compile data for processing and implemented an algorithm in Java to determine if inputted grades would be competitive for a specified program. I implemented a GUI in Java Swing to increase user-friendliness and I hope this program will be of benefit to current Canadian high schools.