Web Folio Reflection

Brainstorming Process

In unit 4.3, we are asked to design and create a web portfolio to highlight our academic and professional background and showcase a collection of our best-written works completed in ENGL 301. The first task for me was to determine who will be the potential audience of my web folio. As a professional in the early stage of my career as a software developer, I decided to design a web folio that highlights my technical skills that are relevant to Computer Science and Software Engineering fields so that potential employers can visit my web folio and learn about my professional interest and background. Furthermore, I decided to include my GitHub and LinkedIn links on the main page to individualize my web folio.

Creating and Revision Process

After brainstorming ideas and defining the purpose of my web folio, I had to think about where to build my web folio. I decided to build my folio by extending the existing ENGL 301 website and adding more features. After defining the basic structure of my web folio, I had to move existing content around and add more pages according to the requirement of the assignment: “Home” page, “About Me” page, “Blog” page, “Online Resume” page, “Application Package” page, and “Best Work” page that showcases examples of my best work from ENGL 301. I especially spent a lot of time and effort building the “Best Work” page. I first needed to self-edit previous assignments according to peer reviews and Professor Erika’s feedback. Then, I provided commentaries on the purpose and success of each assignment with links to each revised assignment.

Overall, I was able to learn how to design and create a professional web folio to showcase myself. Furthermore, I was able to review my previous assignments and reflect on my weaknesses and strengths in the revision process.

Citation for a visual: “What Is Reflection?” tutor2u, www.tutor2u.net/psychology/blog/what-is-reflection.

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