iCars? I Don’t Think So

Now that Apple has conquered both the mobile-phone, and personal computer industries, many have been wondering what is next for the tech mogul. Well, the answer to the looming question on everyone’s minds is finally here! Apple has constructed substantial plans to enter into the automobile industry. Following the consumer’s lacklustre response to the recently released Apple Watch, it comes as no surprise that apples next launch needed to be big. Contemplating the movement of other tech firms into the car business, such as Google’s venture into self driving cars, it makes sense that to remain relevant Apple would choose to join in the race as well. Not only would this new endeavour please the “ever wanting more” customers of the tech company, it could also potentially lead Apple into an entirely new profitable market.

However, all things considered, I’m not sure stepping into the automobile business is the best move for the company as a whole. As recently discovered by Volkswagen and their emission crisis, it is difficult for even experienced automobile companies to abide by the strict vehicle regulations. With Apple being completely unpracticed in the field, it is challenging to imagine that they would launch a successful product right off the bat. Along with this, it is well known that Apple tends to test their newest products, through actual consumer use. For instance, being a customer purchasing the latest version of the iPhone, it is typical to expect several glitches, and small issues that are likely to be fixed in the next release. If Apple continued to use this method when entering the realm of the auto industry, it could result in potentially disastrous effects, especially regarding customer safety. Despite the excess capital Apple currently holds to put towards a new product, entering a market as large and regulated as the automobile industry looks like a mistake. One wrong turn or accident, and Apple could potentially be chipping away at their own consumer base due to a new bad reputation. In the long run, Apple is much better suited to revolutionize new vehicle software, while leaving the hardware to the seasoned professionals







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