Response to: “Good Teaching”

What is Good Teaching?

Good teaching, like most things, is all based on perception. A seemingly good teacher to me may not be the same to another student in the classroom. I’ve noticed though, it’s based on the effort of the teacher to make up for it. It’s all about trying to engage students and ensure they have the most interactive and fun class they can, in order to give students the teaching environment they need. If a student hates their teacher, they won’t care to listen or learn, it’s a fact. If the teacher does not put the effort in to communicate or reach out to their students, the likelihood of students reaching out to the teacher instead, is slim. The education system has been flawed for years now, as teachers continue to be uncaring for their students and not put the proper effort in order to help their students excel, rather than hinder them. From a business standpoint, such teachers should be replaced. It would allow for schools to have better reputations and smarter students.

Photo via: digitopoly

18. November 2012 by Caitlyn Yu
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