A Third World Dimension

A Third World Dimension

The use of 3D printing (which I had not known existed) is amazing. University of Washington’s engineering department designed and built a boat out of melted milk cartons by printing it in 3D. Using this method is brilliant. However, the costs of using 3D printing is high. Apparently, despite how cheap the actual printer and ink is itself, the printers can only withstand creating small products like a coffee cup. So in turn, this piece of technology doesn’t truly benefit a company since the company cannot utilize it to it’s fullest potential. I don’t know how, but if there was some way to create a 3D printer to print larger and more versatile, usable objects, I think this piece of technology could truly benefit companies and generate enough profit to cover the costs of the machine and building. I think an advance in this technology would be well worth it.

Photo via: the Economist

18. November 2012 by Caitlyn Yu
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