The Money Behind the Beautiful Game

The Barclay’s Premier League is easily recognized as one of the most competitive leagues in the world. Whether its fan support, history, or player skill level the Premier league is often unparalleled. As teams fight for the top spot in the standings, there is another fight off of the field that is of equal importance, profitability. A club’s profitability and brand value is what allows it to buy, sell, or loan its assets to attempt to produce a winning team.

Manchester United is not only a club but a brand. In the last 15 years they have reached out to foreign markets and the pay off has been huge. 2005 was the year that they introduced their Chinese based website. This enabled Chinese Manchester United fans to access important team info, create memberships and more importantly, purchase from the online store. The clubs accessibility world wide provides a major point of difference compared to other Premier league teams. This more fulfilling connection to the team motivates fans to buy team gear, watch the games and maybe even make plans to go see a game live!

The extra revenue generated from proper marketing allows Manchester United to adjust the team to its winningest capacity. The reason for their continual success is: whether they win or lose, to the casual fan, Manchester United will always be seen as a notable team. This can be directly attributed to its profitability and brand value.


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